I put a link to a guide all about legendary pokemon in HeartGold in the related links.
I don't think you can refight any legendary Pokemon except the wandering dogs.
You can't. They all run away and you have to run around the region to try to catch them. In the wild grass.
well depends if it is a boy and girl then yes but if i doesnt tell then no
It's not the "last" Legendary Pokemon that you can find in Pokemon HeartGold, but most people usually catch that one last given that you need to have both Kyogre and Groudon in your party for Professor Oak to give you the Jade Orb to get to Rayquaza.
It will be very unlikely.
migrate and trade
there are many legendary Pokemon in Pokemon heartgold, but the best is HO-OH
In HeartGold you can catch Kyogre.
afther you beat all the johto gym leders.
There isn't currently a code for all of the legendary pokemon, but they each have individual codes in Heartgold DSi Action Reply. check out this guy's channel on YouTube. He has most of the legendary pokemon DSi Action Replay Code for Heartgold. ☺ :)
I don't think you can refight any legendary Pokemon except the wandering dogs.
Kyogre is only available for Pokemon: Sapphire on the GBA. Ho-Oh is the legendary pokemon available to you in HeartGold.
No legendary can lay an egg except for manaphy which gives an egg to phione and you can not get manaphy or phione in heartgold
yes at supercheats.com/pokemon heartgold action replay codes