Moltres is a legendary pokemon all legendary pokemon are harder to capture.
well he is fire so you catch him at the lava place (my name hhayne)
Moltres is not in ruby only firered, leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get moltres.
you can only catch in the victory road.
yes u can, that's whut i did and now i have a moltres
No, you can catch Entei without catching Moltres.
It's not hard just damage the moltres that he has little HP left. And then use a ultra ball.
catch Zapdos or Articuno
well he is fire so you catch him at the lava place (my name hhayne)
Moltres's catch rate is 3, which means you'd better bring LOTS of balls.
Not possible only in red blue and yellow can you get moltres.
Victory Road
Moltres is not in ruby only firered, leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get moltres.
Island One moltres is at the top of Mt ember.
The proof is it is the Pokemon's "Catch Rate" The lower the catch rate, more balls miss. The higher the catch rate, the higher the chance the Pokemon will get caught. Moltres is hard to catch because it's catch rate is 3.
you can only catch in the victory road.