heres a gamefaq link to answer your question.
you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx
First you need the special event Regigigas in order to activate Regirock, Regice and Registeel. All 3 of them are in different caves scattered through the Sinnoh region in Platinum. Regirock is in a cave within Route 228, Regice is in a cave in Mt. Coronet which is near the exit to Route 216 and Registeel is in a cave within Iron Island.
get national dexmigrateand you can getzapdos, articuno, and moltresregigigas and heatranto get the 3 birds1. go to eterna to oak3. search for them (they run away)to get regigigas1. migrate regi rock, regi ice, and regi steal2.put them in your party3. go to snowpoint templeto get heatran1. go to stark mountain (route 227)2.defeat team galactic3. go back for heatranto get national dexcomplete the sinnoh dexto migrate1.put ruby,emerald,sapphire,leaf green, or fire red in gameboy migrate on opening screen3. choose 6 Pokemon from GBA game4. start game and go into pal park
Well there is only about 3 Pokemon that evolve with the sun stone and 2 in Pokemon sapphire gloom and sunkern which turn into bellossom and sunflora.
There are 4 ways: 1. Migrate them from Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby. 2. Trade them with a friend. 3. Do the same as number 2, but do this, then trade them back and then search for each regi on the Global Trade Station. 4. Trade them from platinum with someone that has a movie Regigigas.
3 ^ight thx
The regi's didn't exist in Generation 2 games. They were introduced in generation 3, namely ruby, sapphire, and emerald.
Only Regis in Pokemon EmeraldYes.Those Are The Only Regis In Pokemon Emerald. Too Bad.there are regi in ruby and sapphire and regigigas in d/p/pt
you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx
In the snowpoint temple you need the 3 regi's from ruby,sapphire and emerald to wake up regigigas.
u cannot catch the 3 regis in pearl or diamond.. u hav to trade it wid a friend playing ruby, sapphire or emerald...
you cant you need to get all 3 regis and Pokemon dimond or pearl and get the nat dex then migrate all 3 regis then go to snow point city temple then do the maze talk to regigigas then you catch him(1 regi is in emerald and the other 2 are in Sapphire and ruby).Azo;I got all 3 regi's in Pokemon ruby.
yes but people say they cant catch regirock
get all 3 regi's. try hard to get regi gegis.
First you need the special event Regigigas in order to activate Regirock, Regice and Registeel. All 3 of them are in different caves scattered through the Sinnoh region in Platinum. Regirock is in a cave within Route 228, Regice is in a cave in Mt. Coronet which is near the exit to Route 216 and Registeel is in a cave within Iron Island.
Ones that are hard to find... stupidi have the game ... theres kyogre rayquaza latias the regies if u get emerald theres alot more...KyogreLatiasRayquazaRegirock, Regice, RegisteelKyogre being the easiest to obtain and the 3 Regi's being the hardest.
there was a special event, but that was months ago...