There are 4 ways: 1. Migrate them from Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby. 2. Trade them with a friend. 3. Do the same as number 2, but do this, then trade them back and then search for each regi on the Global Trade Station. 4. Trade them from platinum with someone that has a movie Regigigas.
Trade them in from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
You must Migrate from Sapphire, Ruby or Emrald.
No, you have to transferr them.Shadowfritsch4
Regis Rock, Ice, and Steel? No... You can only get that in Pokemon Saphire and Ruby... But if you migrate them from the Saphire/Ruby, you can get the King/Ruler of Regis in the Snowcity place... in the temple thingy-mi-ding!
You can not catch any of them in black or white, but I think that you can catch all 3 in diamond.
not. you will have to migrate them from emerald
You need to have all 3 regis and go to the snowpoint temple.
Catch them all.
migrate from ruby sapphire and emerald
you go to pal park and download them into platinum, diamond, or pearel.
Trade them in from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.
you can't get the regis in diamond and pearl but you can from other games
You are not able to catch the regis in Diamond. You can catch them in the Game Boy Advance version of Pokemon Emerald.
You can't get the Regi's in Pokemon Diamond And Pearl. You have to trade from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
you can't get them in pokemno diamond unless you migate them then go to pal park to catch them
Actually you're wrong you can NOT get the regis in Pokemon diamond, to get the regis you need Pokemon ruby/Sapphire/emerald you can get all three regis there(regi ice, regi steel, regi rock) althought if you migrate all of the regis onto Pokemon diamond you can get regi gigas(king regi) you will find him in the snowpoint temple after beating the elite four. Thanks hope i helped ^.^
No. You can only catch the 3 regis, (regice, regirock, and registeel) and then in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum if you migrate the 3 regis to your account you can get regigigas at the bottom of the snowpoint temple.