Synchro Monsters are placed in the Extra Deck along with the Fusion Monsters at the beginning of a Duel.
You may have a total of 15 fusion and synchro monsters in your extra deck(renamed from fusion deck with the addition of synchro monsters)
Destroyed monsters go to the graveyard, including destroyed Fusion or Synchro monsters.
A Yu-Gi-Oh deck may consist of 40-60 cards. You are also allowed 15 cards in a side deck. Along with these rules you may also have a side deck of 15 cards that consists of only synchro monsters and fusion monsters.
The conditions for Synchro Summoning are the same as in real life:You must have a face-up Tuner monster and non-Tuner monster(s) on your side of the field.The combined levels of the monsters must equal that of the Synchro Monster you want to Synchro Summon from your Extra Deck.If there are any specific monsters or types of monsters listed on the Synchro Monster, that/ those monster/ monsters must be face-up on the field.Once the above conditions are met, you must:Select your Extra Deck, then select "Activate".From there, you will see a window pop up of the possible monster(s) to Synchro Summon. Select one of the Synchro Monsters.Now select which cards on your side of the field to send to the Graveyard; they will have an outline around them.After a short animation, select if you want you Syncho Monster to appear on the field in face-up attack or defense position and you will Synchro Summon your Synchro Monster.
No. If a card effect would cause a Synchro Monster to be returned to the Deck or the hand, it is placed back in the Extra Deck instead.
You may have a total of 15 fusion and synchro monsters in your extra deck(renamed from fusion deck with the addition of synchro monsters)
You can have up to 15 synchro's or fussion monsters total in your extra deck.
In my opinion,a good synchro deck should have a mix of attributes whereas the monsters should be a mix of attack defense.
Destroyed monsters go to the graveyard, including destroyed Fusion or Synchro monsters.
You cannot return fusion monsters to the hand. Fusion and synchro monsters have to be returned to the extra deck.
Synchro Monsters are the newest type of Monster Card. Their color frame is white and include "/Synchro" next to their Monster Type. They are included in the Extra Deck (formally known as the Fusion Deck) along with the Fusion Monsters (Note that with the release of Synchro Monsters, Konami has placed a limit of 15 cards in an Extra Deck. This means that you can only have a combined total of 15 Fusion and Synchro Monsters in your Extra Deck).You must Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster to place it on the field. To Synchro Summon a monster, you must have one Tuner Monster and one or more non-Tuner Monsters face-up on the field. The combined Levels of the Tuner Monster and the other monsters you wish to use as Synchro Material Monsters must equal the Level of the Synchro Monster. Once these requirements are met, you can send the monsters to the Graveyard to Synchro Summon the appropriate Synchro Monster face-up onto your side of the field (this is treated as a Special Summon as well). It is important to note that the Tuner Monster and the other Synchro Material Monsters must be FACE-UP on the field. Almost always, you cannot use more than one Tuner Monster in the Synchro Summon (except in the case of XX-Saber Gottoms).For more information regarding Synchro Monsters, click the first "Related Link" below.For more help on how to Synchro Summon, click on the second "Related Link" below.
It is currently now called the "Extra Deck", and a maximum of 15 cards (Fusion, Synchro, Xyz Monsters) are allowed.
If an effect tries to return a Fusion or Synchro monster back to hand or deck, they go to the Extra Deck instead.
Synchro Monsters can be summoned from the Extra Deck (formally known as the Fusion Deck) by a Synchro Summon.A Synchro Summon can only be performed with one Tuner Monster and one or more face-up, non-Tuner monsters you control (with XX-Saber Gottoms as the exception, who can be Synchro Summoned with more than one Tuner Monster). You can tell if a monster is a Tuner by looking at the card type and seeing "/Tuner" next to it. For example, you can tell Junk Synchron is a Tuner since its card text shows "[Warrior/Tuner]".In order to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster, the Levels of the monsters used must equal the Level of the Synchro Monster. For example, Gaia Knight - the Force of the Earth is a Level 6 Synchro Monster. That means Junk Synchron, a Level 3 monster, would need a monster(s) whose Level equals 3 to Synchro Summon that Synchro Monster (or any other Level 6 Synchro Monster for that matter). Once you have met the requirements, you can send the monsters from the field to the Graveyard and Synchro Summon the Synchro Monster (this still counts as a Special Summon).Just remember, unlike Gaia Knight - the Force of the Earth, who doesn't have any specific requirements besides a combined Level of 6, some other Synchro Monsters do. Some require specific Types, Attributes, Archetypes or monsters to be used.
That would depend on the sort of deck you'd want. If you want a deck which synchro summons a fair bit, and has a fair amount of swarming, then I'd go for dragunity, but if you prefer milling, then summoning from the grave, and not to keen on synchro summoning, go for zombie.
Almost all Synchro Monsters specify "One Tuner + one or more non-Tuner monsters" or similar. However XX-Saber Gottoms does not, as well as a Tuner, he just requires Earth monsters as components, these can be Earth attribute Tuners if you wish. Also, Red Nova Dragon has two tuners as a requirement.
A Yu-Gi-Oh deck may consist of 40-60 cards. You are also allowed 15 cards in a side deck. Along with these rules you may also have a side deck of 15 cards that consists of only synchro monsters and fusion monsters.