I say Mightyena, definitely. Even though it is a hyena Pokemon, but he seems a lot like a wolf because its body shape, can howl, and are in packs, just like real wolves do.
Here are some other Pokemon that look like wolves:
Arcanine (Growlithe)
Lucario (Riolu)
Most likely, the pokemon you are describing is Zoroark. Zorua, Houndour and Houndoom may also apply.Trivia: the name Zoroark comes from Zorro (Spanish for wolf) and dark.
There are Pokemon that look like wolves. These Pokemon are Mighteyana, poochyana, Arcanine, Growlithe, suicune, Entei, Raikau, Vulpix and Ninetails.
How is this a Pokemon question? Beat boss battles with Fox or Falco and beat wolf.
It's in Darkcomb Forest- laying on the ground. Looks like a corn kernel a bit… it's Orange/Yellow in color.
There is the game Feral heart It is like Wolf quest, but you can either be a lion or a wolf. I personally like Feral Heart better
Most likely, the pokemon you are describing is Zoroark. Zorua, Houndour and Houndoom may also apply.Trivia: the name Zoroark comes from Zorro (Spanish for wolf) and dark.
It is most likely a Mexican wolf or a north American grey wolf.
Lupine - Of, or pertaining to, the wolf. Wolflike; wolfish. Having the characteristics of a wolf.
Arcanine (and Growlithe) Houndoom (and Houndour) Mightyena (despite it being based on a Hyena, it still looks a bit like a wolf) Shinx Luxio Luxray Riolu Lucario (out of all of these pokemon, Lucario along with Luxray are undoubtedly the most wolf-like) Zoroark (a bit, even though it is a fox) Entei Suicune Raikou That, I believe, is all. :)
it looks like a forest (maybe it has snow)
The little dog was in the wolf's mouth. This looks like the wolf's lair, to me.
Well the makers of Pokemon made it a hyena, but I say mightyena is WAY more like a wolf. Mightyena howls and stuff. ( I LOVE wolves <3 )
There are Pokemon that look like wolves. These Pokemon are Mighteyana, poochyana, Arcanine, Growlithe, suicune, Entei, Raikau, Vulpix and Ninetails.
Because they look like itBecause a coyote is in the same family of a wolf and dog.it is called little wolf because it looks like a wolf but is much more smaller.
Dogs come under genra Candidae, and also wolf, fox, jackals, coyotes... so these are some animals which looks like dogs.
You can get rid of familiars or followers in general by right-clicking on the "familiar" icon (looks like a wolf, next to the minimap), and selecting the option to dismiss it.You can get rid of familiars or followers in general by right-clicking on the "familiar" icon (looks like a wolf, next to the minimap), and selecting the option to dismiss it.You can get rid of familiars or followers in general by right-clicking on the "familiar" icon (looks like a wolf, next to the minimap), and selecting the option to dismiss it.You can get rid of familiars or followers in general by right-clicking on the "familiar" icon (looks like a wolf, next to the minimap), and selecting the option to dismiss it.