Most likely, the pokemon you are describing is Zoroark. Zorua, Houndour and Houndoom may also apply.
Trivia: the name Zoroark comes from Zorro (Spanish for wolf) and dark.
I say Mightyena, definitely. Even though it is a hyena Pokemon, but he seems a lot like a wolf because its body shape, can howl, and are in packs, just like real wolves do. Here are some other Pokemon that look like wolves: Arcanine (Growlithe) Lucario (Riolu)
There are Pokemon that look like wolves. These Pokemon are Mighteyana, poochyana, Arcanine, Growlithe, suicune, Entei, Raikau, Vulpix and Ninetails.
How is this a Pokemon question? Beat boss battles with Fox or Falco and beat wolf.
It's in Darkcomb Forest- laying on the ground. Looks like a corn kernel a bit… it's Orange/Yellow in color.
There is the game Feral heart It is like Wolf quest, but you can either be a lion or a wolf. I personally like Feral Heart better
all dogs are descended from wolves. The fact that a husky looks like a wolf is a mere coincidence. Just because a husky is black does not make it closer to wolves. not all wolves are black.
I say Mightyena, definitely. Even though it is a hyena Pokemon, but he seems a lot like a wolf because its body shape, can howl, and are in packs, just like real wolves do. Here are some other Pokemon that look like wolves: Arcanine (Growlithe) Lucario (Riolu)
Lupine - Of, or pertaining to, the wolf. Wolflike; wolfish. Having the characteristics of a wolf.
KakuRed's animal form looks like a red ape. KakuWhite's animal form looks like a white crane. KakuBlue's animal form looks like a blue wolf. KakuYellow's animal form looks like a yellow bear. KakuBlack's animal form looks like a black toad.
it looks like a forest (maybe it has snow)
The little dog was in the wolf's mouth. This looks like the wolf's lair, to me.
a German visa looks like a wolf but different colour theres 3 types of colours theres black white and 2 mixeds colours black and brown
It is most likely a Mexican wolf or a north American grey wolf.
if your asking what animal looks like that then here you are: if it looks like a wolf then possible things that could be are a dingo, tibetan wolf, or steppe wolf. Also likely to be a red wolf. red foxed also match that though they are smaller and have black/gray legs.
Arcanine (and Growlithe) Houndoom (and Houndour) Mightyena (despite it being based on a Hyena, it still looks a bit like a wolf) Shinx Luxio Luxray Riolu Lucario (out of all of these pokemon, Lucario along with Luxray are undoubtedly the most wolf-like) Zoroark (a bit, even though it is a fox) Entei Suicune Raikou That, I believe, is all. :)
Well the makers of Pokemon made it a hyena, but I say mightyena is WAY more like a wolf. Mightyena howls and stuff. ( I LOVE wolves <3 )
There are Pokemon that look like wolves. These Pokemon are Mighteyana, poochyana, Arcanine, Growlithe, suicune, Entei, Raikau, Vulpix and Ninetails.