

Best Answer

Arcanine (and Growlithe)

Houndoom (and Houndour)

Mightyena (despite it being based on a Hyena, it still looks a bit like a wolf)





Lucario (out of all of these pokemon, Lucario along with Luxray are undoubtedly the most wolf-like)

Zoroark (a bit, even though it is a fox)




That, I believe, is all. :)

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Q: What Pokemon look like wolves?
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Related questions

Is there a wolf Pokemon?

There are Pokemon that look like wolves. These Pokemon are Mighteyana, poochyana, Arcanine, Growlithe, suicune, Entei, Raikau, Vulpix and Ninetails.

Which Pokemon looks most like a wolf?

I say Mightyena, definitely. Even though it is a hyena Pokemon, but he seems a lot like a wolf because its body shape, can howl, and are in packs, just like real wolves do. Here are some other Pokemon that look like wolves: Arcanine (Growlithe) Lucario (Riolu)

What do wolves look like up close?

Up close wolves look like dogs

Did Newfoundland wolves look like gray wolves?

yes, it is the same spices! :) IT DOES!

What does white wolves look like?

like a white dog

I heard that on Pokemon Diamond that you could look like a Pokemon is this true?

No. You can't look like a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond. My brother has diamond and he can't look like a Pokemon.

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Where can you find true wolfdogs?

Go to the site: pets4you and look for the breeders who sells hybrids that look 100% like wild, pure wolves(they won't be real wolves though, no worries!) If the animals don't look like wolves, you're probably in the wrong place.

Live in packs look like dogs?

Wolves? Hyenas?

What is the shape of a dog animal?

Dogs look like wolves.

Are red wolves and Ethiopian wolves the same?

Nope. Ethiopian wolves look more like jackals. In fact, one of their nicknames is the 'Red Jackal'.