Well, For Kanto, Dunno.
But, For All, Base HP Lowest Is Shedinja
But the lowest of all is sunkern.
Shuckle has the highest defense stat, with a base defense stat of 230.
Calcium raises the Pokemon's Special Attack stat.
It means Base Stat Total, referring to a Pokémon's base stats added together to form a single value.Example: Arceus has a BST of 720, the highest BST of any Pokémon to date.
you stat with fricken ash
Fire pokemon have an advantage over ice pokemon, if thats what you mean. But in general, Fire pokemon have a base stat average of 448.48 and ice types have one of 449.6, so ice types are generally stronger.
Magikarp has the lowest base special stat with it's sp. attack at 15 and sp. defense at 20.
Evasion is not a base stat.
The best Pokemon ever is the Sinnoh Pokemon named Arceus, the alpha Pokemon. The base stat total of Arceus is 720 with each base stat's total at 120. This means the base stat total is 40 more than any other Pokemon ever invented.
Shuckle has the highest defense stat, with a base defense stat of 230.
You can use this formula(I think it works) Pokemon's base stat=[(max stat-108)/11]x5 mathfloor
ShayminPhione is the weakest legendary Pokemon with a base stat of 480.
mudkip is, swampert has a base stat of 535 (woooooooow!)
Thundurus has a 111 speed base stat.
It's base HP stat is 76, meaning that is can have a range between these numbers at these levels: Level 50: Minimum to Maximum: 136-183 Level 100: Minimum to Maximum: 262-356 The lowest number is if you have an IV of 0, with no EVs put into that stat, and the highest number is if you have a IV of 31, and put 252 EVs into that stat.
just before the elite four and use the base defense stat improvement as the elite four hit hard.
Zekrom is the strongest Pokemon you ca catch on Pokemon White. It is joined second strongest with Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (both formes) and Reshiram with a base stat total of 680. The only Pokemon that is stronger is Arceus with a base stat total of 720.
You can use this(maybe) Pokemon's max stat=[(base stat/5)x11]+108 mathceiling Or if you're lazy see if its online