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It means Base Stat Total, referring to a Pokémon's base stats added together to form a single value.

Example: Arceus has a BST of 720, the highest BST of any Pokémon to date.

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Q: In Pokemon what does bst stand for?
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The best deals for BST - 37 Batteries are available at the BST website where there are a wide variety of different kinds of BST particularly BST - 37 Batteries.

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I'm sorry, but 'bst' is not a word.

What does bst stand for?

">British Summer Time or Best Standard TimeIt also stands for bangladesh standard time

What time is 3.00 pm BST in Pakistan?

3.00 pm BST is 7.00 pm in Pakistan. Pakistan is 4 hours ahead of British Summer Time (BST).

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At 2300 BST, it's 0500 ICT in Thailand.

Which Legendary Pokemon Have a Base Stat Total of 680?

Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, and Zekrom have a BST of 680. Note that this was written before the release of Black & White 2, as Kyurem has been speculated to have a BST change in those games.

How do you convert BST time zone to GMT zone?

To convert BST (British Summer Time) to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you simply subtract 1 hour since GMT is one hour behind BST. Take the BST time and deduct one hour to get the equivalent time in GMT.

What does Poketch in Pokemon stand for?

poketch stands for Pokemon watch

How do you convert GMT zone to BST time zone?

GMT + 1 hr. = BST (spring ahead)

What time is 9pm EST in BST?

9pm EST is 2am BST the following day.