it would be 7:00Pm.
PKT is BST+4.also the BST is GMT+1 and PKT is GMT +5.
8 AM Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) = 9 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) = 10 PM British Summer Time (BST) 8 AM Central Daylight Saving Time (CDT) = 9:30 PM GMT = 10:30 PM BST 8 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) = 10 PM GMT = 11 PM BST 8 AM Central Standard Time (CST) = 10:30 PM GMT = 11:30 PM BST 8 AM Central Western Standard Time = 11:15 PM GMT = 12:15 AM BST 8 AM Western Standard Time (WST) = 12 AM GMT = 1 AM BST
2100 BST is equivalent to 9:00 PM in the UK.
Central Standard Time (CST) is 6 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-6), while British Summer Time (BST) is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+1). Therefore, the time difference between CST and BST is 6 hours (CST is 6 hours behind BST).
7PM GMT is equivalent to 8PM UK time, as the United Kingdom observes British Summer Time (BST) during daylight saving months.
It will be 9pm. E.S.T. is five hours behind UK time.
8 AM Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) = 9 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) = 10 PM British Summer Time (BST) 8 AM Central Daylight Saving Time (CDT) = 9:30 PM GMT = 10:30 PM BST 8 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) = 10 PM GMT = 11 PM BST 8 AM Central Standard Time (CST) = 10:30 PM GMT = 11:30 PM BST 8 AM Central Western Standard Time = 11:15 PM GMT = 12:15 AM BST 8 AM Western Standard Time (WST) = 12 AM GMT = 1 AM BST
2100 BST is equivalent to 9:00 PM in the UK.
Central Standard Time (CST) is 6 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-6), while British Summer Time (BST) is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+1). Therefore, the time difference between CST and BST is 6 hours (CST is 6 hours behind BST).
7PM GMT is equivalent to 8PM UK time, as the United Kingdom observes British Summer Time (BST) during daylight saving months.
It will be 9pm. E.S.T. is five hours behind UK time.
If it's 2 pm BST, Boston is in the Eastern Daylight Time zone, which is 5 hours behind BST. Therefore, it would be 9 am in Boston.
It was at 6:36 PM BST.
at 8:42 PM BST
At 11 AM PDT it's 7 PM BST.
Pakistan Standard Time (PKT) is 5 hours ahead of GMT, which means that if it is 6:30 PM GMT, then it would be 11:30 PM in Pakistan.
1pm BST is the same as 1pm in Dublin, Ireland. British Summer Time (BST) and Irish Standard Time (IST) are both UTC+1 time zones, so there is no time difference between the two.
10:30 AM American Eastern Standard Time (EST) = 3:30 PM Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) = 4:30 PM British Summer Time (BST) 10:30 AM American Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) = 2:30 PM GMT = 3:30 PM British BST 10:30 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time (EST) = 12:30 AM GMT = 1:30 AM British BST 10:30 AM Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time (EDT) = 11:30 PM GMT = 12:30 AM British BST