6 AM American Central Standard Time (CST)
= 7 AM Cuba Standard Time (CST)
= 1 PM British Summer Time (BST)
= 6 PM Bangladesh Standard Time (BST)
= 8 PM China Standard Time (CST)
= 9:30 PM Australian Central Standard Time (CST)
If it's 2 pm BST, Boston is in the Eastern Daylight Time zone, which is 5 hours behind BST. Therefore, it would be 9 am in Boston.
8.30 am CST is equivalent to 8.00 pm IST. Time difference between Central Standard Time (CST) and Indian Standard Time (IST) is 11.5 hours.
11 PM CST is 10:30 AM the next day in IST (Indian Standard Time). This is because there is a 11.5 hour time difference between CST and IST.
12 pm PST is 2 pm CST. There is a 2-hour difference between Pacific Standard Time (PST) and Central Standard Time (CST).
5 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) = 5 AM Pitcairn Standard Time (PST) = 7 AM American Central Standard Time (CST) = 8 AM Cuba Standard Time (CST) = 9 PM China Standard Time (CST) = 10:30 PM Australian Central Standard Time (CST)
If it's 2 pm BST, Boston is in the Eastern Daylight Time zone, which is 5 hours behind BST. Therefore, it would be 9 am in Boston.
8.30 am CST is equivalent to 8.00 pm IST. Time difference between Central Standard Time (CST) and Indian Standard Time (IST) is 11.5 hours.
From the last Sunday of March until the last Sunday of October, England is seven hours ahead of Honduras. During the rest of the year the time difference is six hours. UTC-6 = time in Honduras (CST) UTC = time in England from Oct. to Mar. (GMT) UTC+1 = time in England from Mar. to Oct. (BST)
11 PM CST is 10:30 AM the next day in IST (Indian Standard Time). This is because there is a 11.5 hour time difference between CST and IST.
1pm CST is 12:30am IST (next day) with a 11.5 hour difference between Central Standard Time and India Standard Time.
One an the same (GMT-6 or CST).
CST is minus 1 hour on EST
When it is noon in Alabama (CST) it is 10 AM in California (PST). there a two hour difference Alabama is ahead
12 pm PST is 2 pm CST. There is a 2-hour difference between Pacific Standard Time (PST) and Central Standard Time (CST).
5 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) = 5 AM Pitcairn Standard Time (PST) = 7 AM American Central Standard Time (CST) = 8 AM Cuba Standard Time (CST) = 9 PM China Standard Time (CST) = 10:30 PM Australian Central Standard Time (CST)
Central Standard time is GMT -6 Central Daylight Time GMT -5
Part of Florida and part of Mexico are in the same time zone (CST/CDT).