In Pokémon LeafGreen, Geodude will learn Magnitude at Level 16.
Numel learns magnitude at Lv:19
Slash, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Tri attack, Magnitude, Rock Tomb, Sand Tomb, dig.
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
I don't know all of the Pokemon that can learn Headbutt, but I know that Cubone can learn it.
In Pokémon LeafGreen, Geodude will learn Magnitude at Level 16.
If you have a TM. The only ground type moves it can learn is earthquake and magnitude.
Numel learns magnitude at Lv:19
Slash, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Tri attack, Magnitude, Rock Tomb, Sand Tomb, dig.
At level 19
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
Pokemon cannot learn Yawn in Pokemon Silver.
I don't know all of the Pokemon that can learn Headbutt, but I know that Cubone can learn it.
Any Pokemon that can learn a electric move
The only Pokemon that can not learn a move is magikarp. Any Pokemon can learn at least one TM
Most Pokemon can learn that move think of it this way Pokemon that have hands can learn it some Pokemon learn it from the move tutors however some can learn it via egg move only.
A list of Pokemon that can learn foresight is:VenonatVenomothMachopMachokeMachampHitmonleeHoothootNoctowlYanmaMudkipMarshtompSwampertSableyeDuskull Dusclops