Slash, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Tri attack, Magnitude, Rock Tomb, Sand Tomb, dig.
in Pokemon fire red my dugtrio learned earthquake at level 51 however in the original red he learned it 42
Ninetales and gulpin have like 20 moves each by leveling, starter pokemon also learn many moves by leveling A pokemon can learn better moves if you neglect evolving it for a while, vulpix can learn inferno at level 50 if you can hold out on giving it a fire stone until the . (Inferno is a great move)
yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change
fire blast fire wheel odor leuth take down and any other.
Infernape doesn't learn earthquake. The moves he does learn are close combat at level 41, Fire Spin at level 53 and Flare Blitz at level 57. Fire Pokemon can't learn ground moves unless there part ground or rock type. Infernape is Fire and Fighting. "Fire Pokemon can't learn ground moves unless there part ground or rock type. Infernape is Fire and Fighting." Absolutely incorrect! One, many Pokemon can learn Earthquake regardless of type (e.g. Gyarados, Drapion, Sceptile) through TM21. The same goes for Infernape.
in Pokemon fire red my dugtrio learned earthquake at level 51 however in the original red he learned it 42
Fire type moves
Ok well the only Pokemon i can think off is Diglet Or Dugtrio. But the only way to get them is by trading From Leaf Green Or Fire Red. Sorry
It depends... a Fire Pokemon learns a lot of burning moves, the water pokemons, water moves...
It learns that Pokemon are corny, and decides to become a transformer.
The only move it can do is "Transform" This means it can momentarily learn all the moves of one of the opponent's Pokemon, for example if you were battling a fire type Chimchar, it would learn some fire type moves. If you're looking for a Pokemon which always knows moves i would recommend catching another Pokemon!
Yes, it learns Fire Spin, and you can also teach it Flamethrower and Fire Blast.
In Pokemon Pearl version, Rapidash is capable of learning various different moves. For example, it can learn the move fire blast.
Ninetales and gulpin have like 20 moves each by leveling, starter pokemon also learn many moves by leveling A pokemon can learn better moves if you neglect evolving it for a while, vulpix can learn inferno at level 50 if you can hold out on giving it a fire stone until the . (Inferno is a great move)
Well Infernape can probably learn flamethrower,fame wheel,ember and etc. Since Infernape is a strong Pokemon and he is fire type he probably can learn a ton of fire type moves. Hope this helps!
Fly,sacred fire,fire blast,punishment,extrasensory