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Go to the lake next to your home town then the one to the east of pastoria city. after you beat team galactic you will need to travel to the very top lake up the top of the game map. To make it easyer getting there go to the safari zone in pastori and talk to the boy just inside. He will give you De-fog. You can use this on your way to the 7th gym battle and to get to the third lake as the route leading there is very very foggy.

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Q: Where to go after the sixth gym leader in Pokemon diamond?
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How do you get to the sixth gym leader in Pokemon diamond?

One of your Pokemon has to learn surf.

Who is the sixth gym leader on diamond?

Byron in Canalave City is the sixth gym leader in Pokemon Diamond. He specializes steel-type. His 3 pokemons are Bronzor, Steelix, and Bastiodon.

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byron the sixth gym leader u fight him in canalave gym

Where is the sixth gym in pokemon diamond?

the sixth gym is in canalave city

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The Sixth Gym leader is Chuck, he has a Hiryama and a Poliwrath.

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After you beat the sixth gym leader, you are allowed to use strength which moves the boulders.

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The first gym in Pokemon diamond is in Oreburgh City

How do you beat sixth gym leader in pokemon's diamond?

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The Pokémon the second Gym Leader has in "Diamond" are Cherubi, Turtwig and Roserade.

Where is the 6th gym leader on Pokemon white 2?

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What is the sixth gym's weakness on Pokemon diamond?

fire and ground

Where is the 6th gym leader in Pokemon Diamond?

The 6th gym leader is in Canalave City.