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The sixth gym is in Fuschia City, where you fight Koga, Poison type leader.

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Q: Where is the sixth gym in Pokemon Yellow?
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In the toliet

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The sixth gym AKA the fortree city gym specializes in Flying Type Pokemon.

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The sixth gym is in Canalave City of Pokemon Pearl, west of Jubilife City.

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The Sixth Gym leader is Chuck, he has a Hiryama and a Poliwrath.

How do you surf to the sixth gym in Pokemon Pearl?

you dont have to surf to a gym

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Where is sixth gym Pokemon Ruby?

The sixth gym is Mossdeep City Gym - Gym Leaders Liza and Tate (Mind Badge). You have to surf right of Lilycove city.

How do you get to the sixth gym on Pokemon FireRed?

its in pallet town