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in gym durr

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Q: Where do you find the sixth badge in Pokemon leaf green?
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In the game Pokemon leaf green or Pokemon fire red on Game Boy Advance what do each of the badges let your Pokemon's levels go up to?

the second badge: Pokemon up to lvl 30 fourth badge: lvl 50 sixth badge: lvl 70 and eighth badge all Pokemon will obey in other words, lvl 2-100 ( because you can't find lvl 1 in that game. I hope this helped you, happy catching!

How do you get Pokemon Ruby sixth badge?

go to fortree city. there go and find stiven. he will give you a Devon skope. then return to the gum

Where can you find the 8 badge in Pokemon ruby?

At Sootopolis City.

How do you catch badge 6 in Pokemon firered?

To get the sixth badge you need to go to Saffron City and fight their leader. You must defeat the rockets in Silph first, however. Saffron's leader, Sabrina, can also be the fifth gym leader. Koga, the poisonous ninja of Fuschia, could be the sixth gym leader if you fight Sabrina first. Their position can be swapped. And please find the weakness of poisonous Pokemon before fighting them. They are super powerful

Where is the 4 badge in Pokemon sappier?

The 4th Badge is in Mauville City. But let me tell you getting it is very tricky. And you might wanna find a fire Pokemon.

How do you find the 2nd Pokemon in the cave where Cynthia is after the 7th gym badge for Pokemon Platnium?

By searching.

Where do you find a Mewtwo in Pokemon emerald?

you can find it near the second gym badge and its in a cave.

Where do i find a cascade badge in Pokemon dark cry?

you cant trust me

Where to find mew and Mewtwo in Pokemon diamond?

send them to pal park from other games lik leaf green fire read. mew2 ar in the cav above the second badge town. mew is an event Pokemon

Were do you find the sixth gym leader?

Ummm... Which Pokemon game?

How do you go to the sixth city in gold version of Pokemon?

For Pokemon you have to use your skills and defeat characters to find the magical sixth city. Try and you will succeed

How do you catch every Pokemon on Pokemon crater?

do every league and badge to get legends and the if you were in the water youd find a water type Pokemon get it