For Fire Red, I believe you could get 1 net ball in the game.
One of them is from the fisherman south of Lavender City, and if you catch a magikarp and give it to him and it is big enough, he will give you a net ball.
In a shop
yes, all you have to do is give it to your Pokemon and clone it.
Great Balls:fallabor town Net Balls:Mossdeep city.
you can not buy them, they can only be found in item balls.
there isnt any dusk balls in fire red, they were introduced in generation iv
I guess you can't but qny
In a shop
You can't.
i masterball
there is only one master ball that you get in firered
You can't!you have to cheat
yes, all you have to do is give it to your Pokemon and clone it.
use a game shark
Great Balls:fallabor town Net Balls:Mossdeep city.
cloning glitches