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All five Exodia pieces can be obtained via passcodes in Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories under the "Password" section. Individual pieces may also be obtained by defeating various Duelists. Simon Muran is a character that is commonly known to give the Exodia appendixes when he is defeated.

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Q: Where to get exodia in Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden memories?
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What is the password for exodia pieces in Yugioh gx spirit caller shop?

Exodia the Forbidden One: 33396948Left Arm of the Forbidden One: 07902349Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536Right Arm of the Forbidden One: 70903634Right Leg of the Forbidden One: 08124921

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Grinding. Need the grinding.

What pack can you find the head of exodia on stardust accelerator?

you can't the stardust accelerator is yugioh 5ds. Head of exodia is original yugioh

What would be a reasonable price for the five pieces of exodia?

5. Right arm of the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, and exodia the forbidden one. Also exodia the forbidden one card gets powered up by every body part! If you don't believe me check it up on the yugioh wiki.

What unlocks exodia the forbidden one?

To get Exodia you have to have Exodia The Forbidden One, Right Leg Of The Forbidden One, Left Leg Of The Forbidden One, Right Arm Of The Forbidden One, and Left Arm Of The Forbidden One. Then, Exodia will appear on the field with 1,000 ATK and DEF points. You will win automatically after that.

Who do you defeat to get exodia pieces on yu gi oh forbidden memories?

Various Duelists are rumored to give Exodia pieces. The following lists the Duelists that are confirmed to give Exodia pieces:Jono 2ndHeishin 1stHeishin 2ndMai ValentinePegasusIsisSeto 2ndSeto 3rdDarkNiteNitemare

Is 'Exodia the Forbidden One' forbidden?

No. Exodia the forbidden and the arms and legs are all LIMITED. Which means you can only have one copy of it. :)

How do you summon ritual monsters on Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden memories ps1?

In Yugioh Forbidden Memories, to summon ritual monsters you need to use the ritual card when you have the three required monsters on the field.

Who is stronger exodia or yubel?

Exodia since when you have Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, and Exodia the Forbidden One all in your hand you automatically win the duel

How many ATK and DEF points does Exodia the Forbidden One have?

Exodia the Forbidden One has an ATK of 1000, and a DEF of 1000.

How many exodia Yu-Gi-Oh cards were made?

9 total; there is exodia the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right arm of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, exodia necross, contract with exodia (spell), exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, exxod, master of the guard (not exodia specific, more of a sphinx burn deck card, but it is still considered one due to the fact that is looks EXACTLY like exodia)

What is the best deck for Yugioh 5ds stardust accelerator?
