No. Exodia the forbidden and the arms and legs are all LIMITED. Which means you can only have one copy of it. :)
Exodia since when you have Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, and Exodia the Forbidden One all in your hand you automatically win the duel
In total, there are 8 officially released "Exodia" monster cards:"Exodia the Forbidden One""Left Leg of the Forbidden One""Left Arm of the Forbidden One""Right Leg of the Forbidden One""Right Arm of the Forbidden One""Exodia Necross""Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord""Exxod, Master of the Guard"
Exodia the Forbidden One: 33396948Left Arm of the Forbidden One: 07902349Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536Right Arm of the Forbidden One: 70903634Right Leg of the Forbidden One: 08124921
Exodia the Forbidden One has an ATK of 1000, and a DEF of 1000.
9 total; there is exodia the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right arm of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, exodia necross, contract with exodia (spell), exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, exxod, master of the guard (not exodia specific, more of a sphinx burn deck card, but it is still considered one due to the fact that is looks EXACTLY like exodia)
To get Exodia you have to have Exodia The Forbidden One, Right Leg Of The Forbidden One, Left Leg Of The Forbidden One, Right Arm Of The Forbidden One, and Left Arm Of The Forbidden One. Then, Exodia will appear on the field with 1,000 ATK and DEF points. You will win automatically after that.
Exodia since when you have Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, and Exodia the Forbidden One all in your hand you automatically win the duel
In total, there are 8 officially released "Exodia" monster cards:"Exodia the Forbidden One""Left Leg of the Forbidden One""Left Arm of the Forbidden One""Right Leg of the Forbidden One""Right Arm of the Forbidden One""Exodia Necross""Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord""Exxod, Master of the Guard"
Each Exodia card (Exodia the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One) is Limited. This means that you can only have one copy of each card in your Deck and Side Deck combined.
Exodia the Forbidden One: 33396948Left Arm of the Forbidden One: 07902349Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536Right Arm of the Forbidden One: 70903634Right Leg of the Forbidden One: 08124921
Exodia the Forbidden One has an ATK of 1000, and a DEF of 1000.
9 total; there is exodia the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right arm of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, exodia necross, contract with exodia (spell), exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, exxod, master of the guard (not exodia specific, more of a sphinx burn deck card, but it is still considered one due to the fact that is looks EXACTLY like exodia)
Exodia the Forbidden One (+ his four limbs)Exodia Necross,Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord,Exxod, Master of the Guard.
Exodia the Forbidden One's effect is - when you have five different pieces of The Forbidden One in your hand, you may declare an automatic victory.
Exodia the Forbidden One: a) Card number: 33396948 b) Card Passcode: 37689434 Left leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536 Right Leg of the Forbidden One: 08124921 Left Arm of the Forbidden One: 07902349 Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 70903634
Exodia is called the forbidden one, because it is extremely powerful. It can grant you an instant win if you have all 5 pieces of it in your hand!
5. Right arm of the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, and exodia the forbidden one. Also exodia the forbidden one card gets powered up by every body part! If you don't believe me check it up on the yugioh wiki.