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It is in the Great Marsh, you can get in there once you defeat the town's gym leader.

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Q: Where to get defog in pokemon pearl?
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Can you get defog in Pokemon emerald?

No. You can only get the HM for defog in Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum.

How do you get defog in Pokemon emerald?

youdon't defog is a hm move that is in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum

Pokemon that can use defog in Pokemon Pearl?

some flying types

Where do you get defog in Pokemon FireRed?

you cant get defog in the earlier versions of pokémon, only in diamond and pearl

How do you get rid of the fog in Pokemon pearl?

teach a flying Pokemon defog and use it

How do you get defog in Pokemon Ruby?

There is no HM Defog on Ruby, it came available in the 4th generation which is Diamond, or Pearl.

Where to get defog on emerald?

You can't. Only for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

How do you help Marley through the cave on Pokemon pearl?

I suggest you bring a Pokemon that has the move defog,and then use defog to see better while in the cave.

On Pokemon pearl where do you find the HM defog?

right next to the snowpoint city

Pokemon pearl where do you get the defog?

Go into the Great Marsh. Then there will be a lady to your right. SHe will give it to you

Foggy city Pokemon Pearl?

There is no "Foggy city" in Pokemon Pearl it is a route celestic town you can use defog ( a hm when you beat the 4th ) to get rid of the fog.

Where is hm 7 defog in Pokemon pearl?

A trainer in Pastoria Great Marsh has it. If you speak with them, they will give it to you.