There is no HM Defog on Ruby, it came available in the 4th generation which is Diamond, or Pearl.
defog is not in emerald,
there is no defog in pokemon black/white
No. You can only get the HM for defog in Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum.
youdon't defog is a hm move that is in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum
you have to go to pokemon team and then select the pokemon which knows defgog and then you see the word defog select that and then go to the place where you wantto defog and then the fog will go.
defog is not in emerald,
there is no defog in pokemon black/white
No. You can only get the HM for defog in Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, and Pokemon Platinum.
there is no defog in Pokemon soul silver
click the menu button and choose Pokemon. choose the Pokemon that have learned defog, a list will come out (summary, switch, defog, cancel and etc,) choose defog. your Pokemon will then perform defog.
youdon't defog is a hm move that is in Pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum
you cant get defog because you dont need defog in the game
you have to go to pokemon team and then select the pokemon which knows defgog and then you see the word defog select that and then go to the place where you wantto defog and then the fog will go.
You get defog from a person in the safari zone.
The HM defog is in the safari zone. When you walk in, there should be somebody near you with it.
in the safari zone
You get the HM Defog in the Solaceon of lost tower