well after you go through the encounter in mossdeep he is still in mossdeep in a house to the north western part of mossdeep
Steven gives it to you in mossdeep city. You have to beat the mossdeep gym before you can use it. They are Psychic types so be careful.
In mossdeep city you have to go two houses at the left of the gym and you,ll find dive by steven.
You obtain HM Dive in Mossdeep City from Steven after getting the Mind Badge.
You talk to Mr. Stone in Rustboro City after delivering the letters to Champion Steven and Captain Stern.
It at the cutters house in Rustboro city(you have to defeat the gym leader Roxanne in Rustboro city to be able to use it).
in mossdeep city steven gives it to you
The HM Dive is given by steven at his house in mossdeep city.
In Mossdeep City, Steven will give it to you.
Steven gives it to you in mossdeep city. You have to beat the mossdeep gym before you can use it. They are Psychic types so be careful.
In mossdeep city you have to go two houses at the left of the gym and you,ll find dive by steven.
You obtain HM Dive in Mossdeep City from Steven after getting the Mind Badge.
Steven gives it to you at his house in mossdeep city you can find it near the gym.
You talk to Mr. Stone in Rustboro City after delivering the letters to Champion Steven and Captain Stern.
In Rustboro City. There is a house called cutters house. Walk in and talk to the guy. He will give you HM01 cut. !!!!ENJOY!!!! Answered by pokemanMatty.J
After helping Steven at the space center in Mossdeep City, you can find him exploring Meteor Falls in Hoenn. He will be located near the waterfall inside the cave.
You cannot find a wild Metang, you can only evolve it from a Beldum, which you can obtain from Steven's house in Mossdeep City.