On iron island's last room before the exit way in the back. go up in the empty room and you can find metal coat in the middle.
You can use it on a steelix to trade, hold it, and evolve it
Catch a Scyther. Then get a Metal Coat. Attach that to Scyther and then trade.
When you find the man's missing granddaughter on the S.S. Aqua then entertain her by playing hide and seek the man will give you the metal coat. You can only do this after beating the elite 4.
breed an electabuzz if you want an elekid in Pokemon platinum
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
where can i find the second gym in Pokemon platinum
go to iron island
Catch a Scyther. Then get a Metal Coat. Attach that to Scyther and then trade.
You find a metal coat near the memorable pillar on five island.
Metal coat is an item found in the Iron Island cave. It is also sometimes found on wild Magnemite, Magneton, Steelix, Bronzor, Bronzong, or Beldum.
All I really know is that you can find one in iron island after you help riley. There should be two exits. Take the one that leads upwards and there will be a pokeball in the center of the room. Take it then you should get a metal coat!
You get the Metal Coat in different places for each different version. If I remember right, in Pokemon platinum and pearl and diamond you get it somewhere on Iron Island...... Oh yea! After you beat the elite four, or just the Steel Gym, you can find the Steel gym leader on Iron Island in a small house and he gives you the Metal Coat. Also, for Pokemon Emerald, I think you get it from Blue, on the island where the Fire Gym used to be. For Platinum, you might also be able to get it as a reward for BP at the Battle Frontier. I'm not sure about that though.
On five island surf to the right and find the memorial of a dead onix nearby is a metal coat.
there r 3 ways: 1.you can find it in Iron Island 2.when you arrive on Pokemon platinum after entering hall of fame,there is a house, which is Byron is there (Byron is not ALWAYS there), it is rare sight to see him there inside,before he gives the metal coat, he talk about his son,Roark,after that he will apologize & ta-dah he will give metal coat and: 3.Wild Pokemon may be holding it ( wild Pokemon holding items: 5%) Following: MAgnemite Magneton Steelix Beldum Metang Metagross Bronzor Bronzong Magnezone (Wild Pokemon Holding items & Pokemon info Got it from serebii.net & I DO NOT OWN serebii.net, it is just my favorite website :DD) -PokeHelpThatsMe
You need to trade a Scyther with a friend. Your Scyther must be holding a Metal Coat. Here's how you get it: First go to island 5 and find your way to the memorial pillar. You need to surf and once you find the memorial pillar go to the right of the island and go down and it is laying there by the shore.
You can find the metal coat by going to route 32 (route before the ruins.) and going to the top most part of it. You will find a poke ball. go near it and press space to get a metal coat. Metal coat will also be unlocked in the item store!
you go to the island with the stone pillar. It has a person mourning a deceased Onix. If you give him a lemonade, he will give you metal coat.
If you catch a Pokemon in the wild are this the Pokemon who can bear a Metal Coat. It has a rarity of 5%. Magnemite, Magneton, Steelix, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Bronzor, Bronzong and Magnezone