i am sorry i do not no what apricorn it is but you get from Kurt with some apricorn. White apricorn does the trick.
other people say it is a silver apricorn but i am not sure i dont know where it is either
In Gold and silver you can get 1 at silver mountain, however you can not get it in heart gold or soul silver.
You cannot get the GS Ball.
the guy who gives you the apricorn case is in the house enroute to Pokemon professor, while the guy that makes the pokeballs out of berries is in azalea town.
there isn't
you probably can't.......
Answer:There are no Silver Apricorns.
a black apricorn then give it to Kurt
There is no Silver Apricorn...
Give a black apricorn to Kurt.
what? silver apricorn? there is no silver apricorn! i don't no wat ur talkins abouts! from Pokemon master123
silver apricorn
the silver apricorn
There is no such thing
There is no such thing.
There is no such thing.