other people say it is a silver apricorn but i am not sure i dont know where it is either
You CANNOT obtain the GS Ball in Pokemon Gold, Silver, or Crystal without cheating, or glitching. So, I can easily say this. THERE IS NO APRICORN FOR A GS BALL.
on a Pokemon special event such like yellow forest that makes no sense what so ever
There is no Apricorn that will make a GS Ball. The only way to get a GS Ball was through an event using a Japanese copy of Pokemon Crystal.
you can find the pink, yellow, and green apricorns by the middle entrance of mt mortar. You need to cut a tree to reach them, and surf to get to the middle entrance. it is just east of ecruteak city. The green apricorn makes a friend ball when given to Kurt. The pink apricorn makes a love ball. The yellow apricorn makes a moon ball.
You cannot make a quick ball using apricorns, however you can make a fast ball from the white apricorn.
silver apricorn
the silver apricorn
a silver apricorn makes a GS ball in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver.
White Apricorn : Fast Ball Green Apricorn : Friend Ball Black Apricorn : Heavy Ball Red Apricorn : Level Ball Pink Apricorn : Love Ball Blue Apricorn : Lure Ball Yellow Apricorn : Moon Ball
You can't use a apricorn to get a gs ball.
a black apricorn then give it to Kurt
a moon ball
Kurt makes pokeballs from like acorns i think. hope this was helpful. - Friend Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Green Apricorn. Makes Pokemon caught more friendly. - Level Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Red Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of a lower level. - Love Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Pink Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of the opposite gender to the lead Pokemon better. - Moon Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Yellow Apricorn. Catches Pokemon better at night. - Lure Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Blue Apricorn. Catches Water-type Pokemon more easily. - Heavy Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a Black Apricorn. Catches heavy Pokemon better. - Fast Ball - (Pokemon Gold and Silver only) Custom Pokeball made by Kurt. It is fashioned from a White Apricorn. Catches Pokemon of a higher speed or Pokemon most likely to flee.
you can't
You need to get the gold apricorn found at goldenrod city and poop on the toilet.
You can't get a GS ball...ever Even if you could, it wouldn't be with an apricorn
you can not use a apricorn to get the gs ball but i wish you could because i want to catch ceiliby