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on a Pokemon special event such like yellow forest

that makes no sense what so ever

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Q: What apricorn do you use to make a GS ball in soul silver?
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Which apricorn do you need to make a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

You can't use a apricorn to get a gs ball.

What apricorn makes a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

silver apricorn

What apricorn turns into a gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

the silver apricorn

Where do you get the apricorn to make a GS ball on Pokemon soul silver?

you can't

What is a moon ball?

in soul silver you cant make it.You have to get a yellow apricorn and give it to Kurt

What apricorn do you use to get a heavy ball Pokemon soul silver?

a black apricorn then give it to Kurt

What color apricorn to make a gs ball in soul silver and heart gold?

There is no Apricorn that will make a GS Ball. The only way to get a GS Ball was through an event using a Japanese copy of Pokemon Crystal.

Can you make a master ball in soul silver?

I think you would need a purple apricorn, but since there is none I do not think you can make a master ball

How do you get a heavy ball in soul silver?

Give a black apricorn to Kurt.

What apricorn makes the gs ball in Pokemon soul silver?

other people say it is a silver apricorn but i am not sure i dont know where it is either

How do you get a silver apricorn in Pokemon soul silver?

There is no Silver Apricorn...

What kind of pokeball do you get from a yellow apricorn in Pokemon soul silver?

I think that it is the Moon Ball.