you have to give Kurt a red apricorn next a black one the a white then a pink and he gives a gift of which you swap with mr Pokemon for a master ball
YOU CANNOT MAKE A POKEBALL WORK LIKE A MASTER BALL!Unless you use a cheat code.As far as I know,you can use a Timer Ball to act like a master ball.Wait for at lease 55 turns or more for the Timer ball to work.
To make any normal Pokeball (not Great or Ultra Ball, just your normal, average, everday Pokeball) a Master Ball, do this: when you throw the ball, hold down A and B, but from the time that the Pokemon goes into the ball to the time that it hits the ground, hold B and Select. Works nearly all the time if you have perfect timing. I caught kyoger and rayquaza with it!
You should use about 60 or less ultra balls,timer balls.I suggest using the timer NEVER USE MASTERBALL balls because they are twice the power of an ultra ball.But that's just my opinion.If you want to be the real deal try the pokeball.I bet your saying that "that's impossible your nuts!" I am not nuts, i have some moves you can do to get groudon(or any powerful Pokemon or legendary Pokemon.)for this, the regular pokeballs will be 45 min. or more. If you are lucky you can get groudon in a regular pokeball in less then 45 min. press 'a' button every time the Pokemon is in pokeball. and press 'a' a bunch of times when the Pokemon is in the poke balls. press 'a' and 'b' every time the Pokemon is in the pokeball,if the Pokemon escapes let go of the 'b' button and keep on holding 'a'.Then press select. this will make the Pokemon a higher chance of catching it in the pokeball. hope it works !best likely use an ultra or timer ball.
mew-two is lvl. 70 in cerulian cave. make sure you save a masterball for him
when the pokeball does the third roll thing say "gotcha" into the mic. or... Paraylism or Sleep will make the catch easier!
You can't.
Kill all Pokemon or kill you self ! I allready try!
give it to Kurt he will make a pokeball out of it
its verrry rare but if you try B+down or A+any
your gay jk there is no old man glitch but if you use a pokeball you can make a masterball out of it
You don't. It's a well-known myth. More info at Bulbapedia:
YOU CANNOT MAKE A POKEBALL WORK LIKE A MASTER BALL!Unless you use a cheat code.As far as I know,you can use a Timer Ball to act like a master ball.Wait for at lease 55 turns or more for the Timer ball to work.
To make any normal Pokeball (not Great or Ultra Ball, just your normal, average, everday Pokeball) a Master Ball, do this: when you throw the ball, hold down A and B, but from the time that the Pokemon goes into the ball to the time that it hits the ground, hold B and Select. Works nearly all the time if you have perfect timing. I caught kyoger and rayquaza with it!
There is no way of doing that besides using a game shark.
First of all, what do you mean make? You can only receive one masterball in the entire game. One game. One masterball. One pokemon.
By using a master ball.
If the team magma hide out near lilycove city has already closed you might as well just start over. In the Team Magma hide out there should be a room with four pokeball beside each other, 3 of them will be voltorbs and 1 will be THE ONLY MASTERBALL YOU'LL GET. If you dont have a masterball, the catching rate for Groudon is make sure you get that masterball! The first time you throw the masterball at groudon it'll work so dont worry about wasting it on groudon