the guy who gives you the apricorn case is in the house enroute to Pokemon professor, while the guy that makes the pokeballs out of berries is in azalea town.
you get a silver wing from a man in kanto.
what man in green? i haven't heard off a man in green before
You can obtain Togepi from a man, after you defeat Falkner, go to the pokemart and a man gives in to you.
Kill the police man
In ss you can get it when you beat team r at goldrod city. In hg you can go to pewter city and there is a man on a bump, talk to him then he will give you the silver wing.
Azalea town
Pokewalker my man =3
you get a silver wing from a man in kanto.
Go to pewter town and talk to the old man somewhere outside i think on a rock.
Ice pack man
From a man in the Pokemon tower.
what man in green? i haven't heard off a man in green before
When you beat snorlax
The lake of rage, the fishing man
go to cianwood city then get it from a man
A man in Pewter City will give it to you.
You can obtain Togepi from a man, after you defeat Falkner, go to the pokemart and a man gives in to you.