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Requirments:Get kanto starter Pokemon from prof.oak

Beat Elite four and beat all kanto gym leaders and beat red at mt silver go to mr Pokemon and he'll give you a red orb in soul silver and a blue one in heart gold then

go to cianwood and go into the cave that leads into route 47 keep on going and

find a place called hidden tower then look for Groudon/Kyogre

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Q: Where to find Groudon SoulSilver?
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Can you find a growdon on HeartGold?

Groudon is unavailible in Pokemon heartgold trade from soulsilver to get groudon.

Can you find Groudon in Pokemon HeartGold?

No, Kyogre is for HeartGold and Groudon is for SoulSIlver. Unless, you trade with a friend or use the GTS, you can't get; latias, kyogre and rayquaza are in heartgold.Latios, Groudon, and rayquaza are in soulsilver.

How do you find Groudon in heart gold?

Groudon isn't in HeartGold, it is in SoulSilver. Kyogre is in HeartGold as well as Rayquaza.

Where do you find raquaza in SoulSilver?

in the emmbered tower once you have kyorge and groudon

How do you find Groudon and Rayquaza in Pokemon soulsilver?

Groudon and Rayquaza are located in the Hidden Tower off of Route 47.

How do you get Raqaza in Soulsilver?

To get Rayquaza, get both Groudon AND Kyogre. SoulSilver: Groudon HeartGold: Kyogre

What level is Groudon in SoulSilver?

Groudon is on level 50.

Where can you find groudon?

Embedded Tower in SoulSilver. Nowhere else. Groudon can be caught in some other game, but it won't do a thing for ya.

What lv will be Groudon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Groudon will be Lv. 50

Can you get Groudon after you faint him in SoulSilver?


How do you evolve Groudon in SoulSilver?

Sweetheat, Groudon does not evolve o: --Taylor

Can you get another Groudon in Pokemon SoulSilver?
