If you go north then head west there will be a forest this is berry forest.
There is no legendary Pokemon in berry forest.
You can't go back until you go to three island and find a lost girl in the berry forest once you do this talk to the girls father he is in the two island game corner and you will give him the meteorite now you go to the one island Pokemon center and bill will escort you to kanto.
Drowzee can be uncommonly found on Route 11 (between Vermilion City and Silence Bridge, Route 12) or evolved from Hypno at level 26. Hypnos are commonly found in Berry Forest (west of Three Island, Kin Island).
Only on the Mirrage Island
the enigma berry is impossible, the leichi berry can be obtained at mirage island or from Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness, the other berries may be able to be obtained from emerald.
The berry forest is on the third island.
There is a berry forest not berry island and if you grab all the berries in the forest waste some time and come back there will be more.
she is in the berry forest on three island. you have to beat the bikers and travel all the way to the west of the island to get to berry forest, lostllie is at the top left of the forest
In Berry Forest on island 3
In the berry forest, use your itemfinder. Berry forest is on island 3.
loreni is in the back of berry forest on island 3
You can capture pidgeotto in berry forest on three island.
shes in the jungle next to berry road Berry Forest next to the bond bridge. cross the bridge over the water (different from the bond bridge) and then walk through the forest. Lostelle is being attacked by a level 30 hypno. nothing dangerous. There are many good pokemon in the forest for you to catch, bring enough ultra balls.
berry forest which is just to the left of bond bridge which is left of three island
go to berry forest on three island cut all the grass.
You can find hypno in berry forest on three island also train a drowzee to level 26 to evolve it to hypno.
There is no legendary Pokemon in berry forest.