Todd is in the fossil lawn near the fossil cannon. He will be using a Barbaros, Parium, and an Edapho.
* cymbals * clarinet * castanets * coronet * conga drum * cello
Daily Jumble 6/24/16: The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ... Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Ajuga (a flowering plant), amiga (a female friend), belga (a former Belgian monetary unit), conga (Latin-American dance), dagga (marijuana), donga (a gully in a veldt), fanga (a Spanish unit of dry measure) and linga (a Hindu phallic symbol) are 5 letter words ending in ga. Additional words include omega (a Greek letter), panga (a large knife), saiga (a small antelope), sanga (a temporary fortification for two or three men), taiga (a subarctic evergreen forest), terga (a back part of a segment of an arthropod), tonga (a light cart used in India) and virga (wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground).
4-letter wordsacme, acne, aeon, agin, agio, agon, amen, amie, amin, anon, ante, anti, atom, cage, cain, came, cane, cant, cate, cent, ciao, cine, cion, cite, coat, coin, coma, come, cone, coni, conn, coon, coot, cote, emic, emit, etic, etna, gaen, gain, gait, game, gane, gate, gent, geta, gien, gnat, goat, gone, goon, icon, inia, inti, into, iota, item, mace, mage, magi, main, mane, mano, mate, matt, mean, meat, meno, meta, mica, mice, mien, mina, mine, mini, mint, mite, mitt, moan, moat, mono, moon, moot, mote, mott, name, naoi, neat, nema, neon, nett, nice, nine, noma, nome, nona, none, noon, nota, note, ogam, omen, omit, once, onto, otic, otto, tace, taco, tact, tain, tame, tang, tate, team, teat, tent, time, tine, ting, tint, titi, toea, toga, toit, tome, tone, tong, toom, toon, toot, tote5-letter wordsacing, acini, actin, agent, agone, ament, amice, amigo, amine, amino, amnic, among, ancon, anent, anime, animi, anion, antic, atone, attic, cameo, canoe, canon, canto, cento, coati, cogon, coign, comae, comet, comte, conga, conge, congo, conin, conte, conto, cotan, cotta, enact, entia, gamic, gamin, gemot, genic, genii, genoa, genom, giant, gnome, gonia, icing, image, imago, imine, imino, inane, incog, ingot, inion, ionic, macon, magic, magot, mange, mango, manic, matin, matte, meant, menta, minae, mince, mongo, monie, monte, motet, motte, motto, niton, nomen, nomoi, nonce, nonet, oaten, ocean, octan, octet, omega, onion, ontic, tacet, tacit, taint, tango, tanto, tecta, tenia, tenon, tigon, tinct, tinea, tinge, titan, togae, toman, tonga, tonic, tonne, totem6-letter wordsacetin, acting, action, aeonic, agonic, aiming, aminic, amnion, ancone, anemic, anoint, anomic, anomie, anting, atomic, atonic, camion, canine, caning, cannie, cannot, canton, cation, cattie, cinema, citing, cogent, cogito, coigne, comate, coming, congii, conine, coning, cooing, cootie, coting, cottae, cotton, eating, enatic, encina, enigma, eonian, etamin, gamine, gannet, gitano, gnomic, gnomon, gonion, goonie, gotten, iceman, ignite, incage, incant, incite, income, ingate, inmate, innate, intact, intent, intima, intime, intine, intone, ionone, macing, magnet, manioc, manito, mantic, mating, mattin, meting, mignon, mining, minion, miotic, mitten, mongoe, mooing, motion, naming, nation, niacin, nocent, noetic, nomina, nonage, noncom, nonego, notate, notice, noting, notion, octane, octant, omenta, oomiac, otitic, tamein, taming, tannic, tenant, tieing, timing, tining, tinman, tinmen, titian, titman, titmen, toeing, togate, tomato, tomcat, toning, toting7-letter wordsaconite, actinon, agnomen, amniote, amotion, ancient, anionic, anteing, antigen, atoning, canting, catmint, catting, centimo, coagent, coaming, coating, cognate, coinage, coining, coition, comitia, coniine, connate, connote, contain, contemn, content, coontie, cottage, emoting, emotion, enation, encomia, gametic, genomic, gentian, imagine, imitate, intimae, ionogen, iteming, magneto, mannite, matting, meaning, megaton, meiotic, mention, mincing, mintage, minting, mitogen, mitotic, moaning, moating, montage, montane, mooning, mooting, negaton, nematic, netting, nicotin, nictate, nongame, nonmeat, octagon, omening, ottoman, taction, tangent, teaming, tegmina, tenting, tetanic, tinting, titanic, titmice, toiting, tomenta, tonemic, tonetic, tongman, tongmen, tonnage, tontine, tooting, totemic8-letter wordsamitotic, amnionic, amniotic, cameoing, canoeing, citation, cogitate, cognomen, coinmate, conation, cotenant, emitting, enacting, enticing, gnomonic, inaction, incitant, incoming, intimate, intonate, magnetic, magneton, mannitic, menacing, mitigate, monecian, monition, monotint, negation, nicotine, nominate, nonimage, noontime, notating, notation, noticing, ointment, omitting, oncoming, taconite, tainting, tincting9-letter wordsantigenic, antinomic, cognation, cognition, cognomina, contagion, cotangent, cottoning, enigmatic, geomantic, incognita, incognito, manicotti, mentation, mitogenic, monogenic, motioning, negotiant, nictating, nonatomic10-letter wordscogitation, gemination, gentamicin, incogitant11-letter wordsnegotiation
acned, acnes, amnia, amnic, amnio, annal, annas, annex, annoy, annul, apnea, aunts, aunty, awned, banal, banco, banda, bands, bandy, baned, banes, bangs, banjo, banks, banns, banty, bench, bends, bendy, benes, benne, benni, benny, bento, bents, binal, bindi, binds, biner, bines, binge, bingo, binit, bints, bonds, boned, boner, bones, boney, bongo, bongs, bonks, bonne, bonny, bonus, bonze, bunas, bunch, bunco, bunds, bundt, bungs, bunko, bunks, bunns, bunny, bunts, bunya, canal, candy, caned, caner, canes, canid, canna, canny, canoe, canon, canso, canst, canto, cants, canty, cense, cento, cents, centu, cinch, cines, conch, condo, coned, cones, coney, conga, conge, congo, conic, conin, conks, conky, conns, conte, conto, conus, cynic, dance, dandy, dangs, danio, denar, denes, denim, dense, dents, dinar, dined, diner, dines, dinge, dingo, dings, dingy, dinks, dinky, dinos, dints, donas, donee, donga, dongs, donna, donne, donor, donsy, donut, dunam, dunce, dunch, dunes, dungs, dungy, dunks, dunts, dynel, dynes, ennui, ernes, esnes, etnas, fancy, fanes, fanga, fangs, fanny, fanon, fanos, fanum, fence, fends, fenny, final, finca, finch, finds, fined, finer, fines, finis, finks, finny, finos, fonds, fondu, fonts, fundi, funds, fungi, fungo, funks, funky, funny, ganef, ganev, gangs, ganja, ganof, genes, genet, genic, genie, genii, genip, genoa, genom, genre, genro, gents, genua, genus, ginks, ginny, gonad, gonef, goner, gongs, gonia, gonif, gonof, gonzo, gunks, gunky, gunny, hance, hands, handy, hangs, hanks, hanky, hansa, hanse, hants, hence, henge, henna, henry, hents, hinds, hinge, hinky, hinny, hints, honan, honda, honed, honer, hones, honey, hongi, hongs, honks, honor, hunch, hunks, hunky, hunts, inned, inner, ionic, janes, janty, jenny, jingo, jinks, jinni, jinns, jones, junco, junks, junky, junta, junto, kanas, kanes, kanji, kanzu, kenaf, kench, kendo, kenos, kente, kinas, kinds, kines, kings, kinin, kinks, kinky, kinos, konks, lanai, lance, lands, lanes, lanky, lends, lenes, lenis, lenos, lense, lento, linac, lindy, lined, linen, liner, lines, liney, linga, lingo, lings, lingy, linin, links, linky, linns, linos, lints, linty, linum, loner, longe, longs, lunar, lunas, lunch, lunes, lunet, lunge, lungi, lungs, lunks, lunts, lynch, manas, manat, maned, manes, manga, mange, mango, mangy, mania, manic, manly, manna, manor, manos, manse, manta, manus, menad, mends, mensa, mense, mensh, menta, menus, minae, minas, mince, mincy, minds, mined, miner, mines, mingy, minim, minis, minke, minks, minny, minor, mints, minty, minus, monad, monas, monde, mondo, money, mongo, monie, monks, monos, monte, month, munch, mungo, mynah, mynas, nanas, nanny, nenes, nines, ninja, ninny, ninon, ninth, nonas, nonce, nones, nonet, nonyl, oinks, ornis, ounce, owned, owner, panda, pandy, paned, panel, panes, panga, pangs, panic, panne, pansy, panto, pants, panty, penal, pence, pends, penes, pengo, penis, penna, penni, penny, pinas, pinch, pined, pines, piney, pingo, pings, pinko, pinks, pinky, pinna, pinny, pinon, pinot, pinta, pinto, pints, pinup, ponce, ponds, pones, pongs, punas, punch, pungs, punji, punka, punks, punky, punny, punto, punts, punty, qanat, rance, ranch, rands, randy, ranee, range, rangy, ranid, ranis, ranks, rants, renal, rends, renew, renig, renin, rente, rents, rinds, rindy, rings, rinks, rinse, rondo, runes, rungs, runic, runny, runts, runty, rynds, sands, sandy, saned, saner, sanes, sanga, sangh, sends, sengi, senna, senor, sensa, sense, senti, since, sines, sinew, singe, sings, sinhs, sinks, sinus, sonar, sonde, sones, songs, sonic, sonly, sonny, sonsy, sunna, sunns, sunny, sunup, synch, syncs, synod, synth, tanga, tango, tangs, tangy, tanka, tanks, tansy, tanto, tench, tends, tendu, tenet, tenge, tenia, tenon, tenor, tense, tenth, tents, tenty, tinct, tinea, tined, tines, tinge, tings, tinny, tints, tonal, tondi, tondo, toned, toner, tones, toney, tonga, tongs, tonic, tonne, tonus, tunas, tuned, tuner, tunes, tungs, tunic, tunny, tyned, tynes, ulnad, ulnae, ulnar, ulnas, usnea, vanda, vaned, vanes, vangs, venae, venal, vends, venge, venin, venom, vents, venue, venus, vinal, vinas, vinca, vined, vines, vinic, vinos, vinyl, wands, waned, wanes, waney, wanly, wants, wench, wends, wenny, wince, winch, winds, windy, wined, wines, winey, wings, wingy, winks, winos, winze, wonks, wonky, wonts, wynds, wynns, xenia, xenic, xenon, yangs, yanks, yenta, yente, yince, yonic, yonis, zanza, zincs, zincy, zineb, zines, zings, zingy, zinky, zonae, zonal, zoned, zoner, zones, zonks649 words found.
In the toilet
Conga Scepter is a book.
Some words that rhyme with "conga" are "samba," "bonga," and "tonga."
Conga - song - was created in 1985.
Conga Bugs happened in 2009.
Conga Bugs was created in 2009.
do do do come on and do the conga do do do trail across the floor you you you come on and do the conga do do do trail across the floor
Y-Tu-Conga was created in 2001.
They Stooge to Conga was created on 1943-01-01.
the conga....
yes the conga drum in used in some American music. It is not the common though