Daily Jumble 6/24/16:
The landlord wouldn't sign for tenants' packages, ...
Answer: NO "ACCEPTIONS" (conga, pants, stereo, hectic)
Daily Jumble 3/24/18:Hula-Hoop sales were reported in...Answer: ROUND NUMBERSClue words: sunny, rumor, emblem, should
Daily Jumble 3/24/16: When Magellan navigated around the tip of South America, his passage was... Answer: "STRAIT" AHEAD (habit, alpha, versus, putrid)
Daily Jumble 3/24/17:They disagreed about which weapon was best and continued to...Answer: ARGUE THE POINTClue words: elope, tiger, gather, annual
Daily Jumble 4/24/16: Thanks to his fleet of garbage trucks, the business owner had... Answer: DISPOSABLE INCOME Clue words: unlock, budget, impose, uneasy, menace, primer.
Daily Jumble 6/24/13: When he asked, "Should we harvest the strawberries or the blueberries?", she said... answer: YOU PICK (botch, youth, kettle, septic)
Daily Jumble 2/24/15:The arm wrestling match was about to...Answer: GET OUT OF HAND (forgo, doubt, eighty, catnip)
Daily Jumble 3/24/18:Hula-Hoop sales were reported in...Answer: ROUND NUMBERSClue words: sunny, rumor, emblem, should
Daily Jumble 3/24/16: When Magellan navigated around the tip of South America, his passage was... Answer: "STRAIT" AHEAD (habit, alpha, versus, putrid)
Daily Jumble 3/24/17:They disagreed about which weapon was best and continued to...Answer: ARGUE THE POINTClue words: elope, tiger, gather, annual
Daily Jumble 7/24/15:Daffy Duck was retiring and he took the duck replacing him...Answer: UNDER HIS WING (shiny, digit, awaken, cougar)
Daily Jumble 11/24/15: The high school cheerleaders were so good because they practiced their... Answer: "ROOT-TEENS" (style, venom, trivia, income)
Daily Jumble 4/24/16: Thanks to his fleet of garbage trucks, the business owner had... Answer: DISPOSABLE INCOME Clue words: unlock, budget, impose, uneasy, menace, primer.
Daily Jumble 6/24/13: When he asked, "Should we harvest the strawberries or the blueberries?", she said... answer: YOU PICK (botch, youth, kettle, septic)
Daily Jumble 10/24/10:Clue: Where airline and fighter pilots end up.Jumbles: fixing, marvel, scenic, penman, cuddle, falterAnswer: ON DIFFERENT "PLANES"
12/24/12: Santa's helper was suffering from… Answer: LOW "ELF" ESTEEM (wafer, smell, denote, pellet)
Daily Jumble 11/24/17:The sea-based wind farm produced this type of energy.Answer: "ALL-TURN-ATIVE"Clue words: enact, virus, fellow, cavort
Clothing Boutique was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle for June 24 2011. It was an encore episode from January 5 2011.