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No legendary resides on the islands a rare Pokemon resides on seven island in the tanoby chambers the Pokemon is unown.

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Q: Where is there a legendary on the islands on Pokemon FireRed?
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Where i will find the legendary birds in Pokemon FireRed?

The legendary birds are found at the power plant, mt ember and seafoam islands.

Where do you get the legendary dog Pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

they roam around in the wild after you have done everything on the islands but they run away

How do you get legendary fire bird in Pokemon FireRed?

Moltres, the legendary fire bird, is found deep inside Mt. Ember, in the Sevii Islands.

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How do you leave the islands in Pokemon FireRed that have the three legendary birds on them?

leave the way you came, or use dig/escape ropes

How do you get the pass to the Sevii Islands and what are the Sevii Islands?

The Sevii Islands are a fictional archipelago of nine large islands and several small islands surrounding them. They are far south of Kanto, and are home to several legendary Pokemon. They appear in Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed, and peripherally in Pokemon Emerald.

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What is the legendary on Pokemon FireRed?

the 3 birds

How do you get the legendary ice bird in Pokemon FireRed?

I assume you're talking about Articuno. To get Articuno you have to go to the Seafoam Islands, which is on route to Cinnabar Island.

Where do you find the whirl islands in Pokemon FireRed?

Whirl islands are in the johto region which is not in firered.

Were do you catch moltres in Pokemon FireRed?

Moltres is a legendary Fire and Flying Pokemon. Part of the original trio of legendary birds from the first games, it can be encountered in Pokemon FireRed in Mt. Ember.

Top Pokemon in FireRed?

(Excluding legendary pokemon) It should be dragonite...