You do toontasks which allow you to start training for the gag track. After you complete that toontask, you have to complete 16 other toontasks which can be easy or hard. After that you get the track but have to train to go up gag levels.
4, but 5 if you are counting the test track on one of G's missions.
there's no such thing. there is a cp trainer which immedietly bans u bcoz it hack the club penguin moderators computer. they track down penguinsthat hascp trainer, so try it out if u want to but you'll be srry!
To track a mascot, the best way is to go server hopping with a few friends. This means, login as your penguin, go into a server, check all the rooms that the mascot goes to at that very party. If not there, log off that server and try another server. It sounds like hard work thats why its best to do with friends. You may also find some friends online that you can track with.
The only ways to get gems on DragonVale are to win them in the Colusseum or the Dragon Track, complete certain goals, collect them from gemstone dragons, receive them from your Game Center friends, and buy them.
its about to track down your old spy phone, as herbert stole in mission 6.
it is in the attic of the ski lodge by the rug
the normal place where you ride the sledge but on the test track
if your asking about the mission its either the hardest one or there's another track which is there only for the mission hope i helped :)
you cant
in antartica!
it is on the ski moutian
to get track 3 you will need to complete track 1 in under 45 seconds and then complete track 2 under a certain time then you will be able to race on track 3
Go to Google and type in "(Who u want to track) tracker- Club penguin.
If this is the second mission, you will need to do the following to enter the casino: 1. Kill the front guards. 2. Kill the Demolition officer. 3. Make your way up the casino, and complete the mission objectives. Once you've completed the mission, the casino is basically yours.
i dont think you can track your own penguins i think it only works for famous penguin rockhopper etc etc.
When you try to track a friend on Club Penguin, you click the friends button and then click on the penguin's profile. Then, there's a button that looks like a question mark. Click that and there you go! You have now tracked a penguin.