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I assume you're talking about Articuno. To get Articuno you have to go to the Seafoam Islands, which is on route to Cinnabar Island.

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Q: How do you get the legendary ice bird in Pokemon FireRed?
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How do you catch the ice bird on Pokemon sapphire?

If you're talking about the legendary Pokemon Articuno, you have to trade it from FireRed or LeafGreen. If you're talking about Delibird, you have to trade it from FireRed.

What Is The Lengendary Pokemon In Pokemon FireRed?

mewto legendary birds- zapdos-thunder moltres-fire articuno-ice

What is Articuno?

Articuno is a flying/ice type legendary bird pokemon.

HOW may legendary bird Pokemon are there?

There are three legendary bird Pokemon. 1) Zapdos: electric and flying 2) Moltress: Fire and flying 3) Articuno: Ice and flying

Which legendary bird in Generation 1 of Pokemon the best?

The three Legendary Bird Pokemon people refer to are Articuno, an Ice/Flying-type, Zapdos, an Electric/Flying-type, and Moltres, a Fire/Flying-type Pokemon. They are the first Legendary trio that was introduced in the original Pokemon Red and Green.

What is the main legendary Pokemon in red?

There is no main Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Red for the Gameboy however there are four main Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Red and they are the ice-type Legendary Bird Articuno, the electric-type Legendary Bird Zapdos, the fire-type Legendary Bird Moltres and the rare Legendary Pokémon Mewtwo.

What is the best legendary bird for Pokemon LeafGreen if your starter was a Charmander and what is the best team to beat the ellite 4?

Id say articuno becuz hes ice ice baby

Where can you catch regiice in Pokemon FireRed?

you don't regi ice is a fairly new Pokemon in leaf green there are only 7 main story legendary Pokemon plus 4 bonus if you get the ticket thing to get to islands 8&9

Where do you find the legendary bird Pokemon in platinum?

It can be anywhere, use the marking map app to find them.In Pokemon Platinum, yes of course You can Find the Legendary Birds: Moltres The fire type Bird, Zapdos The electric type bird and of course Articuno The Ice type bird. First You need to Beat The Elite Four SecondFirst you beat the elite 42nd complete the sinnoh pokedex3rd show it to the professor4rth prof oak will tell you theres the 3 bird pokemon roaming in platinum

How can you get through the Ice fall cave in Pokemon FireRed?

It is in Island four.

When does dewgong learn ice beam in Pokemon FireRed?

Level 51.

How do you win the league in Pokemon FireRed?

have a dangon , fire , dark,ice,poison type Pokemon