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Q: When does dewgong learn ice beam in Pokemon FireRed?
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What level does dewgong learn icebeam on soul silver version?

level 47 is when dewgong will learn ice beam

Is Dewgong a good Pokemon?

Yes, Dewgong is awesome, because it can learn Ice and Water-Type moves, so you'd have no problem against Fire and Grass-Type Pokemon. Don't teach it Sheer Cold though. Signal Beam is a unique move for Dewgong.

What level do dewgong learn ice beam?

It learns it via TM.

Where is the TM ice beam on Pokemon crystal version?

You cannot obtain Ice beam as a TM in Crystal. You can only learn it from the Move Tutor in Blackthorn City. You can also catch: Seel, Dewgong, Shelder, Lapras, Articuno, Remoraid, and Octillary, and level them up to learn it.

Where do you get Ice Beam in Pokemon Red?

The best ice Pokemon in firered and leafgreen is sneasel coz it have an very high attack stat and speed it can learn dark and ice attack such as ice beam blizard for ice beat up shadow ball and more..............

At what level learn ariados signal beam on pokemon emerald?

Ariados does not naturally learn the move Signal Beam in Pokemon Emerald. If bred with Venonat, Venomoth, or Volbeat however it will learn Signal Beam.

Pokemon mystery dungeon 2 explorers of time why cant my Charmander learn hyper beam?

Charmander must evolve into Charizard to learn Hyper Beam.

What moves can dugtrio learn and at what level in Pokemon FireRed?

i really dont know but i think it level 1 or level 2 if not then i was wrong Heres my dugtrio it will elp alot Lv5 earthquake hyper beam solar beam big fuucker

What level can Lapras learn Ice Beam in Pokemon Crystal?

Lapras will learn Ice Beam at level 31.

Can salamance learn ice beam in Pokemon platinum?


Can fearow learn hyper beam in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Fearow is able to learn Hyper Beam. It can learn Hyper Beam through the use of the TM, which can be bought at the Celadon Department Store.

Can shellder in Pokemon Yellow learn hyper beam?

yep every Pokemon can