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In order 2 get to rock tunnel u need 2 have cut.u go 2 the east of cerulean city and use cut at the tree.go beat all the trainers and find the right way.

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Q: Where is the rock tunnel in Pokemon Yellow?
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What do you need hm flash for in yellow Pokemon?

To navigate through Rock Tunnel

Where can you find MaChop in Pokemon Yellow?

Rock Tunnel (Uncommon) and Route 10 (Uncommon).

How do you get rock slide in FireRed?

Go to Rock Tunnel at Cerulean City(maybe I spelled it wrong) there would be a boy in there with the yellow hat will teach one of your Pokemon(you have to have a Pokemon that is a rock type)

How do you get to lavender town on Pokemon Yellow?

go there lol yea u do go there but you have to go through rock tunnel

Is the power plant is by the Pokemon tower in Pokemon Yellow?

On the map, yes the power plant is by the Pokemon Tower. However, the Power Plant is on the northern side of Rock Tunnel. From the northern entrance of rock tunnel, surf south past the mountain until you find land. The Power Plant is located here.

Where is the power plant in pokemon si lver?

Go to the pokemon centre at rock tunnel and surf southwards. Rock tunnel is east of cerulean.

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What kind of Pokemon can you catch in Rock Tunnel?

Rock and Ground type

How do you use flash outside of battle in Pokemon yellow?

You can only use it in Rock Tunnel, where it's really dark and you can't see a thing :p

What Pokemon can you find in the rock tunnel on Pokemon Crystal?

The rock tunnel can be found by the power plant (east of Cerulean City. You have to cut a tree to get to the path and then follow the path and you will find the entrance to the rock tunnel right next to a Pokemon Center). The rock tunnel leads to Lavender Town.

Where can you find a onyx on Pokemon FireRed?

rock tunnel

Where do you get kangashan in Pokemon Crystal?

Rock tunnel Uncommon