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Go to Rock Tunnel at Cerulean City(maybe I spelled it wrong) there would be a boy in there with the yellow hat will teach one of your Pokemon(you have to have a Pokemon that is a rock type)

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Q: How do you get rock slide in FireRed?
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Where do you get rockslide in Pokemon FireRed?

Rock Slide is taught by a move tutor in Rock Tunnel.

Navel rock on Pokemon FireRed?

You need the mystic ticket to get to navel rock on firered.

What is rock slide in Pokemon FireRed?

Rock Slide: TM no.48 Effect: Deals non-contacting damage to the foe Pokemon. Has 30% chance to flinch the opposing Pokemon In Battle: Hurts both Pokemon in Double Battles Power: 75 Base Power (BP) Accuracy: 95% Type: Rock

What level does Pikachu learn rock slide?

Pikachu does not learn Rock Slide from level. I think that you have to teach it Rock Slide.

Where is Ho-oh on Pokemon FireRed?

either naval rock or just not in firered

Where is rock climb in Pokemon FireRed?

Rock Climb is not a move in the game. It wasn't a move until Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, which came out after FireRed.

How can hippowdon learn rock slide on Pokemon diamond?

Use TM80 (Rock Slide) on it.

How do you get the tm80 rock slide in Pokemon leaf green?

Rock Slide is not a TM in Leafgreen. In Leafgreen Rock Slide is a Move Tutor move and the Move Tutor is hidden somewhere in Rock Tunnel.

Firered pok'emon how do you get regi rock?

Not easily.

Where do you catch Lugia on FireRed?

Navel Rock

Can you get rock climb on FireRed?

No the move rock climb didn\'t exist in firered it only became available when diamond and pearl version came out those two games plus any other version after them can have the move rock climb but firered cannot.

When was Slide Rock State Park created?

Slide Rock State Park was created in 1985.