Rock Slide is not a TM in Leafgreen. In Leafgreen Rock Slide is a Move Tutor move and the Move Tutor is hidden somewhere in Rock Tunnel.
To get the everstone on Pokemon Leaf Green, you will need to catch 20 Pokemon. Once you have achieved this, visit the rock tunnel. Inside the rock tunnel, you will be greeted by a man who will grant you the ever stone.
Brock the rock gym leader
you cannot catch lugia in ruby/sapphire/... you have to trade from fireRed, and leaf green. to get lugia you have to go to navel rock either in emerald, fire red, and leaf green
you should use fire or ground pokemon.. electric type moves don't effect rock or ground pokemon...
the fossil guy in the southern sea in the lab. the fossil turs in to a rock and flying type.
To get the everstone on Pokemon Leaf Green, you will need to catch 20 Pokemon. Once you have achieved this, visit the rock tunnel. Inside the rock tunnel, you will be greeted by a man who will grant you the ever stone.
i thougt navel rock was Pokemon leaf green and fire red. (navel rock = nine island)
no, on Pokemon emerald, fire red and leaf green only.....
Brock the rock gym leader
you cannot catch lugia in ruby/sapphire/... you have to trade from fireRed, and leaf green. to get lugia you have to go to navel rock either in emerald, fire red, and leaf green
Use TM80 (Rock Slide) on it.
Lugia's event for Leaf Green has long since expired you will need to trade Lugia from Pokemon XD if you wish to have it in Leaf Green or from someone else who has it.navel rock. you have to go to a Nintendo event to get the ticket. ho-oh is there too
You can train any type of Pokemon anywhere you want the best spot is seven island.
Any Pokemon that has a dragon move and is not a ground or rock or dragon or fire type.
You don't.
A move tutor in the Battle Frontier will teach one of your Pokemon Rock Slide. It costs 48 BP to do so.