When you've released the regis, it's in the upper right corner of the desert.
in the cave of origin in sootopolis
Its in the cave in sotopolis city i think it was called the cave of orgins
Kyogre is the name of a Pokemon only available in the Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald video games. Kyogre can be found in the Cave of Origin, near Sootopolis City, in Sapphire, and it appears in the Marine Cave in Emerald. The location of the Marine Cave changes periodically in the game.
Pokemon Sapphire features a cave location called Meteor Falls where unique Pokemon may be caught. It is located west of Fallarbor Town.
Of the seven pokemon available in Granite Cave, the cave northwest of Dewford Town, only Abra and Sableye can learn HM05 Flash.
in a cave somewhere in the dessert is where i rember getting mine
What cave?
in the dessert where mirage tower is
use their Pokemon
The Cave of Origin is in Sootopolis
You can only get kyogre in sapphire you get it at the cave of origin.
you can use it in any cave to get out of the cave
In sootopolis.
turn back cave
In Shoal Cave