Pokemon Sapphire features a cave location called Meteor Falls where unique Pokemon may be caught. It is located west of Fallarbor Town.
meteor falls is in the ruby/emerald/sapphire region. i think it was Hoenn?
use super rod in meteor falls
You must find a Bagon in a secret room in the meteor falls and train it.
to catch bagon, you have to go to meteor falls. find the the innermost part of the meteor falls where there is water and an isolated land at the end. you can see a lvl 30 bagon there.
Moon Stone can be found in Meteor Falls, you must get HM07 (Waterfall) before you can get it. :)
You have to find it in Meteor Falls.
In Meteor Falls.
meteor falls is in the ruby/emerald/sapphire region. i think it was Hoenn?
At Meteor Falls if you're playing Sapphire.
Meteor Falls is found North of Rustboro City or West from Fallarbor Town.
the smallest room in meteor falls
It's in a small room deep in Meteor Falls.
the only place in Meteor falls where bagon appear is where you find the TM Dragon Claw.
Meteor Falls
after beating the elite four, it can be found in meteor falls
use super rod in meteor falls