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Of the seven pokemon available in Granite Cave, the cave northwest of Dewford Town, only Abra and Sableye can learn HM05 Flash.

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Q: Which Pokemon in Dewford Cave can learn HM Flash in Pokemon Sapphire?
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What Pokemon can learn flash in sapphire?

Find an Abra to give flash in the cave in dewford.

Pokemon Sapphire who can learn flash?

The following Pokemon that you can easily get to learn Flash in Sapphire: Beautifly or Dustox Lotad or Lombre Oddish Gloom

Can makuhita learn flash?

No, sorry. If you are at Dewford Island, some available Pokemon that can learn it is Ralts, Shroomish and Dustox. Hope this helps :)

Where do you learn flash in pokemon saphire?

Flash can be obtained after beating the Dewford gym. When you beat the gym in Dewfordgo to the Granite Cave which is at the top left of Dewford Town. Go in the tunnel and you will see hiking man, talk to him and he will give you flash.

What Pokemon can learn flash and rock smash in Pokemon sapphire?

Nincada is a fantastic Pokemon to use these moves on. Not only can it learn Flash and Rock Smash, but also Cut, Dig, and Secret Power which are all moves that are required later on.

Can zubat learns flash in sapphire?

No, Zubat cannot learn Flash.

What Pokemon can learn flash in platinum?

all the Pokemon on dimmond that can learn flash can still learn flash in the platinum game too

What kind of Pokemon can learn flash?

Most electric type Pokemon can learn flash.

What Pokemon can use HM flash in Pokemon Sapphire?

Go to Dewford city. Go up and then left. There is a cave. Now enter the cave. There is a fat Hiker. Talk to him. He wont battle u. After pressing A button in front of Him he will speak and then give u HM5 Flash.

In Pokemon Diamond what Pokemon can learn flash?

In Pokemon diamond many Pokemon can learn flash for eg. Electric Pokemon such as Pachurisu Pichu and Luxray all (eveloutions) and yeah just experiment and see what can learn flash!

Can zwurmple learn flash Pokemon ruby?

No wurmple can not learn flash

What Pokemon can learn flash in Pokemon gold?

Most electric types can learn flash like voltorb and magnemite.