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Nincada is a fantastic Pokemon to use these moves on. Not only can it learn Flash and Rock Smash, but also Cut, Dig, and Secret Power which are all moves that are required later on.

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Q: What Pokemon can learn flash and rock smash in Pokemon sapphire?
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no Pokemon can learn rock smash by leveling up you have to get the hm.

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No, it cannot learn Rock Smash.

Where do you get the ability to smash rocks in Pokemon sapphire?

You go to Mauville City and talk to the Rock Smash Guy.

Get the rock smash on Pokemon Sapphire virsion?

Own a Poochiana or a Zigzigoon

How do you get a Graveler in Pokemon Sapphire?

Victory Road (use rock smash)

Pokemon Sapphire can you get more then one HM?

Yes you can get 8. # you can get surf. # you can get fly. # you can get waterfall. # you can get flash. # this is a new new one you can get dive. # you can get rock smash. # you can get strength. # you can get cut. your welcome,Thomas

Pokemon Diamond what Pokemon do you use to smash rocks?

Find a Pokemon that can learn Rock Smash. Like Geodude.

What HMS can metang learn?

Cut, Strength, Flash and Rock Smash.