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In Secret Agent Mission 5 once you have the three "elements" you return and G will tell you to put them into the "calibration machine". I had this same problem- not being able to find it. Next to the goggles is a funnel thing that you click when you have one of the elements in your hand- it should go in.

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Q: Where is the calibration machine in Club penguin?
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Were is the calibration machine on Club Penguin?

the calibration machine is where the goggles is next to the fur recogniser the machine is the goggles

Where is the calibration machine in club penguin myestery of the fur?

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To get the runnuing machine going on club penguin first you get a snow ball by pressing T then through it at the machine

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To use the time machine on club penguin buy the hat at the stage and go into the box

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on clubpenguin how do you turn on the machine?

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it is the poo making machine

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You download desktop destroyer and get a machine gun and start shooting club penguin and it will explode in 8 minutes and club penguin wont exist

Where is the chocolate machine in club penguin?

The coffee shop.

How do you turn the giant machine on in club penguin?

I dont no

How do you get herbert away from the machine in club penguin?

You report him:)

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How do you get the machine on the cliff to work on club penguin?

by plugging it in