You use your explorer kit..go under ground and when you try and find for treasures you might get lucky and find one:)
To get a thunder stone, or any type of stone on Pokemon pearl, you need to go underground and look for a bit, I found this the easiest way to get stones.
nothing if you give him/her a thunder stone it will lvl up
The Thunder Stone can be found in the Underground, Sunyshore City, and the Solaceon Ruins. The Thunder Stone is used to evolve some Pokemon like Pikachu.
if you dig underground you'll eventually find thunder stone then after a while you'll find shiny stone ;^)
no thunder fang is not a TM in Pokemon pearl no thunder fang is not a TM in Pokemon pearl
To get a thunder stone, or any type of stone on Pokemon pearl, you need to go underground and look for a bit, I found this the easiest way to get stones.
You can get the thunder stone by going underground and digging for it in Pokemon diamond/pearl ( the thunder stone , fire stone, water stone, and the leaf stone is very rare, so good luck!).
sunyshore city or the underground
give a pikachu a thunder stone
trade it over from diamond/pearl/platinum
On a pikachu to evolve to a raichu
eevee and pikachu
you have to evolve eve using a thunder stone to get joltion
underground using explorer kit
nothing if you give him/her a thunder stone it will lvl up
The Thunder Stone can be found in the Underground, Sunyshore City, and the Solaceon Ruins. The Thunder Stone is used to evolve some Pokemon like Pikachu.
if you dig underground you'll eventually find thunder stone then after a while you'll find shiny stone ;^)