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nothing if you give him/her a thunder stone it will lvl up

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Q: What happens when you give a pikachu a moon stone in Pokemon pearl?
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give a pikachu a thunder stone

What can you use a thunder stone on in Pokemon pearl?

On a pikachu to evolve to a raichu

What Pokemon evolve by using a thunder stone in pearl?

eevee and pikachu

What POKeMON evolves from the thunder stone in Pokemon Pearl?

Eevee, and Pikachu. I don't know anymore.

What level do Pikachu involve at Pokemon Pearl?

They don't evolve at any level you have to get a thunder stone and use it on pikachu

What Pokemon evolves with a thunder stone in Pokemon pearl?

eevee,pikachu,probably flaffy if not then lv 40

How do you get a thunder stone to evolve pikachu in Pokemon pearl without digging?

In sunyshore city. I don't no where in sunyshore.

Where can you get a Thunderstone in Pokemon Pearl?

The Thunder Stone can be found in the Underground, Sunyshore City, and the Solaceon Ruins. The Thunder Stone is used to evolve some Pokemon like Pikachu.

What happens after you repear the stone tower on Pokemon pearl?

you can get spirttomb

How do you get Pikachu to evolve?

Give Pikachu a Thunder stone and it will evolve into a Riachu. But in Pokemon Yellow, the Pikachu will not evolve. You can get thunder stones easy by mining them in Pokemon diamond and pearl but in soul silver and heart gold you need to buy them with athleet points at the athleet shop

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