Training in space, just like Kakarot did on his way to Namek. BUT, Vegeta's capsule had the potential to go to 300 Gs instead of only 100.
the first ssj2 was teen gohan in the cell saga after android 16 was killed, some people thinks its vegeta but he didnt go ssj2 until the majin buu saga
Ssj4 Goku: Beat Ultamate android in dbgt saga. Ssj4 Vegeta: Beat Ultamate super Gogeta in dbgt saga.
bulma watches vegeta on tv in the saiyan saga but they meet in "person" during the namek episodes
Well at the in beginning in the Saiyan Saga Vegeta hated Goku and was a threat to the world. But soon after that he would change and become good. But the answer to your questions is that maybe 50% of Vegeta likes him maybe the other 50% is respect. So my answer is Vegeta maybe just hides his true feelings due to his Saiyan pride, but he does respect Goku but can sometimes become very envious (jealous) when Goku obtains more power than him.
there will be nine... # Vegeta Saga # Namek & Captain Ginyu Sagas # Frieza Saga # Garlic Jr., Trunks, & Android Sagas # Imperfect & Perfect Cell Sagas # Cell Games Saga # Great Saiyaman & World Tournament Sagas # Babidi & Majin Buu Sagas # Majin Buu Saga (continued) After that, there are two seasons of DragonBall GT If you're after the WHOLE story, check out the original DragonBall series... Pyro
Yes, Vegeta reached Super Saiyan in the beginning of the Cell Saga. He stated that he had "reached his limits, and in his rage became a super saiyan."
There is no episode to which Bulma and Vegeta get married. Although, sometime in the series, Vegeta does refer to Bulma as his wife, but like I said above, no episode of the two getting married.
vegeta saga namek saga captin ginyu saga freiza saga ... garlic jr. saga trunks saga android saga imperfect cell saga perfect saga cell games saga great saiyanman saga world tournament saga babidi saga majin buu saga fusion saga kid buu saga ubb saga
Cell saga 1st movie: Cell Saga 2nd movie: Shortly before the World Tournament Saga 3rd movie: It is unknown.
In Movie 8, yeah. But in Perfect Cell Saga -ongoing. Vegeta's stronger.
Vegeta appears in episode 5, and stars in episode 11.
Goku and Vegeta became Super Saiyan 2 during the Cell saga, after training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
dead. He got killed in the Frieza Saga by Vegeta
the first ssj2 was teen gohan in the cell saga after android 16 was killed, some people thinks its vegeta but he didnt go ssj2 until the majin buu saga
Later on after the Saiyan Saga.
Play the majin buu SAGA
13 seasons in dragon ball (Original), 6 seasons in dragon ball k (Kai) 18 seasons in dragon ball z (Z-Warriors), 4 seasons in dragon ball gt (Grand Tour) and 22 seasons in dragon ball AF (After Future). Here are entire dragon ball series saga: DRAGON BALL: Emperor Pilaf Saga First World Martial Arts Championship Saga Red Ribbon Army Saga Muccle Tower Saga Sub Misson Saga General Blue Saga Commander Red Saga Fortune Teller Baba Saga Tienshinhan Saga King Piccolo Super Raditz Saga Ultumate Battle Saga Piccolo Jr. Saga DRAGON BALL K: Sinor Vegeta Saga Evil Vegeta Saga Prince Vegeta Saga Tenkaichi Saga Ultamate Final Battle Saga Peaceful World Saga DRAGON BALL Z: Saiyan Saga Namek Saga Captain Ginyu Saga Frieza Saga Garlic Jr. Saga Trunks Saga Super Saiyan Saga Android Saga Imperfect Cell Saga Perfect Cell Saga Cell Games Saga Great Saiyanman Saga World Tournament Saga Babidi Saga Majin Buu Saga Fusion Saga Kid Buu Saga The New Begaining Saga DRAGON BALL GT: Black Star Dragonball Saga Baby Saga Super 17 Saga Shadow Dragon Saga Hero's legasy Saga DRAGON BALL AF: Xicor saga Super Goku saga Battle saga Great Saiyan saga Mystic dragonball saga Ultimate saga Buuza saga Kidnapped saga Mystic saga Budokai saga Broby saga Amazon saga Earth saga Vegeta saga Super Broly Saga Black dragon saga Fury saga Universal Saga Karo Saga Black-Star Resurrection Saga Final Battle Saga The Final Blast Saga The End Of The Battle Saga