bulma watches vegeta on tv in the saiyan saga but they meet in "person" during the namek episodes
in dragonball episode 6 or 7
It's not in any episode, it's only in the newly released OVA where Vegeta meets his brother and his brother's wife :)
i cant remember but its in dragonball z not ball or gt its one of the episodes before they fight cell in there training
The two fighters fused on three separate occasions. In Dragonball Z, Vegeta and Goku fuse using the Potara Earrings, which allow for a permanent combination. This combination is called Vegito, and is extremely powerful. It first happens at the end of episode 268, Union of Rivals, and is shown again in 269, Meet Vegito. The reason this transformation isn't permanent in the same way it was for Kabito and the Supreme Kai is because, when the two are absorbed by Buu, the stomach acid is enough to break their fusion. The second type of fusion, known as the Fusion Dance, is first used in the series by Goten and Trunks against Buu. However, the first instance of Vegeta and Goku using the same technique is in the twelfth theatrical movie, Fusion Reborn. This transformation is seen in an orange vest and white pants, and is called Gogeta. Gogeta makes a return appearance in episode 60 of Dragonball GT, when Vegeta realizes that even with his new Super Saiyan Four power, the two of them could not defeat Omega Shenron alone. The two fuse to become the most powerful fighter the series has seen, Super Saiyan Four Gogeta. Unfortunately, because of the lethal combination of Goku's playfulness and Vegeta's Cockiness, the fusion ends up wasting all of its energy playing a trick on Omega Shenron, and consequently is not what destroys him in the end.
by there dads goku and vegeta
bulma and vegeta meet near the end of frieza saga
In DragonBall Season one
Dragon Ball Z
in dragonball episode 6 or 7
until we meet again episode 64
As far as I know...Vegeta and Bulma get married in dragonball Z between the time Goku beats Freeza and Goku returning to earth to meet the future Trunks. actually i don't think they got married then even in trunks future they was not married i remember trunks said it was more of a passion think but in the other future they got married like after cells defeat and remember if they did get married why was every 1 shock to find out that the babe bullma was hold-in was vegeta own don't u think if they had gotten married every 1 of bulma's pals would have been there and vegeta would never get married at a time like that so they got married at the end of cell Sega case close
It's not in any episode, it's only in the newly released OVA where Vegeta meets his brother and his brother's wife :)
Goku and Goku Jr. meet in the DragonBall GT movie, "A Hero's Legacy."
If your talking about Dragonball Z Budokai 2. To get adult Trunks, you must beat Vegeta on Namek with Kid Trunks.
Goten and Trunks do fusion in fusion saaga of dragon ball-z, after Goku returns to otherworld. They are trained by piccolo. I don't remember the episode number.
yes, they are married. but only after they meet, which is a year after future trunks appears for the first time. No, they are not "married" in the way we think of marriage. Bulma calls Vegeta her husband because they have a family and have lived together for a long time, and to Saiyans, having a "mate" is the equivalence of being married.
Well I don't know the episode but I do know that they meet in the frieza saga around episodes 30 and 50.