the first ssj2 was teen gohan in the cell saga after android 16 was killed, some people thinks its vegeta but he didnt go ssj2 until the majin buu saga
in the credits of burst limit goku goes ssj2 against broly. but when you play sadly goku can not go ssj2
Well gohan when he was a teenager he went ssj2 pretty quickly so probably goten might go ssj2 never know surprises can happen.
defeat kid buu with spirit bomb in his regular form, not kaioken or ssj or ssj2, just his regular form
Well for SSJ4 Gogeta you can fight omega shenron and win to achieve him (I personally brought him for the random box in the shop.) For SSJ2 GOGETA you fight gotenks to achieve him. Look on youtube on how to achieve them.
well if trunks at ultra was 130,000,000 then at ssj2 yourpowerlevel should be 200,000,000.
in the credits of burst limit goku goes ssj2 against broly. but when you play sadly goku can not go ssj2
During the Cell Games. After watching the Cell Juniors assault his friends, and witnessing the death of Android #16 at the hands of Perfect Cell, Gohan snaps and transforms for the first time in history.
Well gohan when he was a teenager he went ssj2 pretty quickly so probably goten might go ssj2 never know surprises can happen.
No he can only power up to a high level. He loses all his speed and gains only strength so, technically you can say he does go ssj2 but he doesn't do it correctly
goku can only go ssj in burst limit gohan is the only character that can go ssj2
defeat kid buu with spirit bomb in his regular form, not kaioken or ssj or ssj2, just his regular form
vegeta is stronger because vegeta trained in the hyperbolic time chamber for a long time and got very strong, by then he turned ssj2 and became even stronger. gohan is strong as a ssj2 but vegeta is the stronger one. when vegeta went majin vegeta he turned ssj2 for the first time.
ssj2 gohon
no.broly is the legendary super sayain.people think his ssj2 level.his far above that.because if he was than Z sword train ssj2 gohan would have hurt him really bad and wouldn't need any help form goku and gotan.but z sword train ssj2 gohan couldn't even make broly flinch. it common sense really.if a ssj2 cant make broly flinch than no other ssj2 can. even thought ssj2 vegeta and ssj2 goku have better fighting sense it really wouldn't make a difference. but ssj2 goku can beat bio broly but not real broly. and another fact is if broly was ssj2 power than they would have called it BROLY THE SUPER SAYAIN 2.NOT BROLY THE LEGENDARY SUPER SAYAIN. broly has the best transformation out of all transformation in dbz. so let me put like this BROLY>>>>ssj2 goku.ssj2 gohan.ssj2 vegeta.spc.bojack.super 13.ssj gotan ssj trunks. but if bio broly vs ssj2 goku then goku would win.but without putting up a challegene
Dabura is slightly stronger than ssj2 adult gohan. All we know that is teen ssj2 gohan is stronger than ssj2 gohan adult when he was a teenager power level =45 adult gohan ssj2 =40 dabura= 41.8 I think that dabura is slightly stronger than ssj2 gohan adult, but I also think that mystic gohan power level is slightly stronger than teen ssj2 gohan. I see his power level 48.5. Dabura is only stronger than gohan ssj2 ,1 and base in adult than I think that ssj2 teen gohan and mysic gohan are strongest forms of him and dabura is slightly stronger than ssj2 adult gohan.
It is episode 200
DEFINATELY NOT Goku's power level at the end of DBZ was like 213,000,000 in SSJ. 342,000,000 in SSJ2 and 412,000,000 in SSJ3. Iron Man's in full strength would be like 47,000.